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Everything posted by Oxtarius

  1. Hi, i am returning to the server after a good 5-6 years pause. I installed the game but cannot set the resolution into the setup.exe. Is there a way to fix this? It is unplayable with the current resolution i get.
  2. (THIS IS PURELY ABOUT PVM.) Hear me out, then you can flame me all you want. I have joined fRo for about 1 month already. I've been doing the regular quests, farming and so on. Made about 4 different characters with most of them already max gear from regular legendary quests. From there, the server is quite *Balanced*. Then i spoke with multiple players, asking them how i could improve my gear. People told me about Tokens used as currency for *Donated* items. I recalled reading the website of fRo before even joining it saying we could get ALL the donation items through quests in-game at 80% of their stats. This was very inviting since i don't like going into games where it's pay to win only. So after going around the place for a while i noticed there is no way to do QUESTS for EVERY donation items. Which made me doubt if i want to keep going into the server. I donated myself for trivial items like Kiel cards and TG cards too. There are 2 problems from that point. 1 particular quest(Ring Chain Quest) and the donation items. I get it, you need support to make the server going forward. The problem about those is, this is pure lying when you say you can quest and gain those non-donated items that you could donate for them. (IF SOMEONE IS WILLING TO PROVE ME WRONG AND SAY LOCATIONS OF THOSE QUESTS I'M WILLING TO HEAR THEM) The Chain quest now. I'm already stuck at the first part of the chain quest where you need 9 of multiple items. But the most painful and stupid one is the Spiritual Whispers. I didn't even try to farm for the rest since i'm prolly going to abandon doing it. TWO monsters, a WHOLE server farming them. Let me point out the flaw again. TWOOOOOO monsters, a WHOOOOOOOOLE server farming them. How the hell are we supposed to get a quest done if we are stuck at the VERY beginning? OK! Now my proposition to those 2 problems. The donation items at 80%. Make quests for those items. Plain simple. You say you have quests to obtain them through quests? So make it happen! The quest items! They are QUEST ITEMS. There should NEVER BE A PROBLEM getting quest items. This is the very foundation of MMO's questing. A mob drop items when you are actually doing it. I get it, they are valuable for trading. But the prices are too high for new players, hell even older players. My solution? Make more spawns of those monsters and reduce their spawn timer. Why would griphons and bloody knights have more spawns and lower time to respawn than those valkyries? This doesn't make any sense. Don't like this solution? Make them drop only if you are DOING the quest! You reached 9? No more drops! I'm a gaming programmer(indie) and there are so many solutions you can use to make this game so much more balanced and fun to EVERYONE. Donators or Questers! Don't get me wrong, i like the server. Let's make it more nice for everyone. PS: 1 Month, got 2 Spiritual Whispers. There Flame me now!
  3. , It's a client version issue. I agree with kafra having a zeny storage.
  4. There is a section in the forum for guild recruitment. I suggest you use it ?
  5. I've done the quest yesterday and it is working properly. You must be missing an item. Look at the quantities and don't forget, there is another part to it that requires dyestuff.
  6. Inquiete toi pas, tu n'es pas seul ? Ign : Brox , McBain, Mhelchior et mon monk que je ne me rapelle plus le nom lol.
  7. +1 Getting those valks are impossible.
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