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Forsaken Council
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  1. Penthesiliea's post in cant log in forsaken was marked as the answer   
    What message/notice you're getting? Mind showing us some Screenshots?
  2. Penthesiliea's post in account created but didnt sent confirm to email was marked as the answer   
    Hi! Would you mind sending a screenshot using imgur.com?
    also did you used valid email?
  3. Penthesiliea's post in I JUST REGISTER N ACTIVE Y CANT LOGIN?? was marked as the answer   
    This is in the wrong section. and yes you have to verify your account before you can log-in.
  4. Penthesiliea's post in Game doesn't star was marked as the answer   
    Hey there! You should try running up your setup.exe as Administrator and fix your resolution.
  5. Penthesiliea's post in Monthly Collectibles (Headgears) was marked as the answer   
    It's already Limited Headgears, And give same stats as LTD headgears.
  6. Penthesiliea's post in Suggestion for Payon Archer Village was marked as the answer   
    Heyy, Have you tried to patch/Re-install the game? because it doesn't error me at all.
  7. Penthesiliea's post in NERTHUS SHURIKEN was marked as the answer   
    Thank you we will look into this!
  8. Penthesiliea's post in Does Striking HG's nullify Tyrs for Ninja? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, You can use Tyr's w/ Striking Headgears.
    That's what they are for.
  9. Penthesiliea's post in Forsaken Gunslinger Pistol (Where to get this!?) was marked as the answer   
    You won't be able to quest it anymore, It was a Old version of Legendary weapons. Only few player has it.
  10. Penthesiliea's post in STAT BUG????? was marked as the answer   
    That's not a bug, Only 255 is the max number that can be shown on stats/ levels.
  11. Penthesiliea's post in Ribbon colors was marked as the answer   
    Blessed = Blue
    Cursed = Red
    Guardian = Violet/Purple.
  12. Penthesiliea's post in About this server was marked as the answer   
    You can only buy forsaken tokens using current currency that we use here, or donate them at tokenshop.
    you can purchase armors and set which has same effect on donation armors and sole headgears .
  13. Penthesiliea's post in Resolution problem was marked as the answer   
    Hey @armaeda Try running your Setup as administrator , Should fix your problem.
  14. Penthesiliea's post in Bulk Buyer Shop was marked as the answer   
    It's deactivated on our server.
  15. Penthesiliea's post in Payon Archer Village was marked as the answer   
    You went payon village and suddenly not responding?
    try reset your position thru 
    log in your account and click the character that makes you error, then "reset position"
  16. Penthesiliea's post in i cant Open my Character i @warp forsaken then icant open it any more was marked as the answer   
    Try to download out small patcher from our site then overwrite it on your ForsakenRO folder. And if you are ever can't open that character , goto forsaken control panel> My account > click your character name > reser position. Hope this works.
  17. Penthesiliea's post in help was marked as the answer   
    Run your setup as administrator and select your resolution, should work fine :)
  18. Penthesiliea's post in Problem after i summoned homunculus was marked as the answer   
    Hi you could try this one , Danger made a solution for that step by steps. 
    Just follow whats the tutorial says and it should be working fine again! C:
  19. Penthesiliea's post in Update Gardian Ring effect was marked as the answer   
    I just updated all guardian rings effect. It should be alright now .
  20. Penthesiliea's post in bugged was marked as the answer   
    Have you installed our all-in-one installer? 
    If ever you can't log in your character because it errors you, go to https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
    login then reset your character position. 
  21. Penthesiliea's post in Trouble recovering old account was marked as the answer   
    It's a private matters, So please file a ticket in this case, so that we can help you.
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