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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Jewel

  1. Jewel

    Missing my Pocket Asian. Totally need you for my Algebra final. ); luff.

  2. Hope you're doing better chick.

  3. Jewel

    You can slob on it later if you want. :)

  4. I think that comment shoulda been like.. "People think I'm mexican but then they see my tail!" O rite. His Aso. How're you? Causing chaos as usual I hope.

  5. Hey sexay. I saw you in game when I was logged. Well really I saw someone say Leni and I was walking around trying to find you. Trying to keep a low pro though.. kinda. Gonna ask about a name change. The mexicans are after my shit.

  6. I'd bang her.
  7. lol. :blush:
  8. what the fuck is THIS? seriously. totally not pretty cool guy. wow. sorry people. had to be said.
  9. Yeah. I quit. Hueheuh.

  10. Combat Muffins... breakfast of champions. ;9
  11. You're way cuter. Her eyebrows are like Ronald McDonald to me. :[
  12. You said what I said but a little more appropriate. :D
  13. ^ boner.
  14. Jewel

    Dark Knight!!

    Correction, Heath Ledger didn't die over the movie. And just so everyone knows, he was taking a lethal combination of drugs and they're saying it wasn't actually suicide. Just a bad idea. Anyway, it was brilliant. Heath locked himself into a hotel room to study the role for two months, it's no wonder he actually appeared to be crazy. I heard somewhere that they were thinking of having Johnny Depp replace him in the role of Joke. Interesting. Was good.
  15. "Liar." " :rolleyes: "
  16. Third and last are my favorites. :\ I wish you'd add some kind of text to them.
  17. That's because it was drawn by the same person?
  18. Because you're Damascus and you're banned from the forums? O_o; Anyway. People don't come to this thread to read "i'dtapthat" "wowurhot". They don't come to see half naked minors ( pretty gross ) nor do they come here to read into people's discussions. Really now.. off topic means that if it's not pertaining to the thread's starting topic ( ie: POST YOUR PICTURES ) then it doesn't belong in said thread, correct? My rugrat whistling. XD 1 year old and whistling already. Blows my mind.
  19. The only thing Icon is getting at is that there are OTHER things that are actually IMPORTANT to gameplay that need tweaking/updating/fixing. All he's saying is that he thinks the GMs ( actually Genesis ) should be focusing moreso on the things we actually NEED rather than the things that make gameplay "easier". Either way, you guys keep up this bickering and both of the suggestion threads you've been going back and fourth on will be closed and the suggestion basically denied. So Ryoji, if you support them.. show it and cut it out? It takes a "big boy" to drop the petty disagreements. Be one.
  20. Actually, it's 5k, isn't it? 2k the first time and 3k the second? Not that bad. Not for what you get anyway. Just buy them?
  21. I'm not undermining anything? I left anyway. I was just surprised when I saw this. Thought maybe someone was bringing back JP. Anyway. GL Rad.
  22. Eh. There's a lot of Ninjas I can't kill. O_o; Then again I can't kill any one anyway. Don't they have elite gears/quests?
  23. 1. Yesplz. 2. Eh, we have that basically like you said. 3. I believe the menu comes up on official servers. I think disabling it is a custom thing. Not necessary but nice. 4. Isn't this like the same thing as #1? Same idea, different concept I believe.
  24. If the changes are official it's often hard to get around them on custom servers. However, if this implemented... there's going to be lots and lots of issues of imbalance. fRO is already spec'd to be balanced ( I guess ) and adding this will cause a lot of imbalance and more work for Gen. @_@ Oh well..
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