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I'm a Monster

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Everything posted by I'm a Monster

  1. I'm a Monster


    Selling>Lokis[runes]=2.8 OR NinjaBset or SinxBset+500 Asgard[R] 3k , Asgard[C] 2.8 FIX all Ulr's=1.6k FIX
  2. I'm a Monster


  3. this happens yesterday,i logged in and when i go to the game,2 mins. after, a mass DC occurs.
  4. there was so many things to be fix before and after gepard shield is implemented 1. spiked lag/disconnection there was SO many times players has been disconnected when they are playing though they have smooth connection. Specially when they are doing something important(eg. raids) 2.disconnected after 4 hours of playing after implementing gepard shield.this always happen,although we get rid of those cheater/3rd party program users,this happens,there was so many players just get into pub specially when they are selling something and they go away(eg.going to school/work) its kinda mess because your expecting that your account doing great while AFK but when you check and see. You had been disconnected. 3. balancing rings this is so must because some player keep on abusing it.example, HW /WSGring,they used Napalm,if your not wearing double tao/GTB,You almost die in one hit of it,and thats not that because it was spammable so youre not ensure you will be alive when taking Napalm,in pvp you can counter it,but in woe, not because there will be always some players around you.Another thing is SniperGring,you can stack land mine and when someone step on it, BOOM they die.
  5. +10sinxCjacketset(o.dex) to ur ninjaBset
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