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Everything posted by nealicious

  1. definitely a scam. sigh.
  2. Hi, Im still waiting for my design. paid half. no reply since last week. let me know. Thank you.
  3. PM PRICE GS B SET IGN : MoonPrincess
  5. Fist Bump
  6. aww, sorry, looking for cuter Hg and cool colour ^_^
  7. I am buying these following items : Sniper Cursed Ring or Scarf or Ribbon Black Butterfly Aura Frigg's Knight Shield +0 Ltd Headgear COMMENT HERE or MESSAGE HERE or PM me in game !! IGN : MoonPrincess / EclipsePrincess
  8. Selling : Sniper Blessed Ring [2k or ONO] PM in game : EclipsePrincess Thank you
  9. hi, are you still selling ?
  10. Buying items as follow : Sniper Cursed Scarf/Ring/Ribbon +0 LTD Dark Ofreo Skull Aurora Skull Prince Aurora PM me In Game IGN : EclipsePrincess
  11. who drops it ?
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