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Everything posted by Bent

  1. Selling: GTB Incant FBH Pixie Wings Buying: Tao OL Dragon Warlord Warlord Trading: Pixie Wings for any other wing.
  2. Bent


    Yeah, Selling: GTB Incant FBH I'll check here and u can pm me : Bending leave your IGN here
  3. i got gemini too ign message me Bending
  4. Bent

    S/B List =D

    B> champ set.
  5. Stalker Set with Bow -100-130 Stalker Set with Dagger 100-110 Stalker E.Dagger30-40 Stalker E.Bow50-70 Stalker Box120
  6. - E. Sin X Dagger. 40-45 - E. Sin X Katar. 30 - Note Headphones. 300 - Moon Aura. 65-80 - Sun Aura. 65-80 - Green Butterfly Wings. 60-80
  7. 40-70million depends on the day.
  8. Bent

    S> Stuff ;D

    Want the champ set.
  9. Bent

    Da Shop.

  10. Could you share the link?
  11. Bent

    B> Osiris Card

    Bought. Thanks
  12. Bent

    Da Shop.

    New Item's added
  13. Bent

    Da Shop.

    Yes. I'll take the hydra. Whats your IGN? I meant like forsaken king donation gear.
  14. Bent

    Da Shop.

    \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ oops
  15. I have the black wing. offer here or ingame Fumar
  16. Bent

    Da Shop.

    Selling: Lk set W/ OR W/O wep. +0 Black Butterfly Wings Orc Lord Card Dragon Wizard Incantation Samurai Card GTB SK NYH Ifrit Rings Gloom Ygg Tix Skoll Buying: Osiris Card F. Elite set--Together or in parts 3k hydra-- don't offer me 100:1 I wont take it. Tao Hallowring WS Phree Holy Wings Pixie Wings Champ Set Champ Wep Tanee Will edit. Thanks all. IGN: Oner PM Meh
  17. Bent

    B> Osiris Card

    yeah im buying osiris card please pm fumar or reply here with your ign ty
  18. Fumar Please pm me.. Whats your ign so i can pm you?
  19. Bent


    I want the poison ticket. pm Fumar
  20. you still selling? pm Fumar
  21. Bent

    S> Everything!

    Hey I want Brisingamen x2 pm me: Fumar
  22. Bent

    S> Note Headphones.

  23. Bent

    S> Note Headphones.

    MikE~XII: Worthy offer but not items I am full interested in. Talk to me in game: K i m o earthworm: It's rare. Also resistance to stun but manly for the looks. They are worth over 300.
  24. SOLD!
  25. B> Champ S> LK will trade aswell IGN: K i m o
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