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Everything posted by kola

  1. All the participants did a good job but i can only choose one.. Its kinda hard to choose but i think this time around i'll choose hmm.. [2]Nelly! Creativity - 3 Technical - 4 Execution - 5 Aesthetic - 4 Total points= 16 Well in my opinion nelly and yeung are very close but i chose nelly because i think for me she has done a terrific job at doing the signature. Yup i can say that she has caught my eyes with her superb technique style. Awesome job nelly! Keep up the good work!
  2. cool update!
  3. Goodluck to all that are applying!!!!
  4. kola

    Thanks for your help NELLY! Your the best!!!!!

  5. kola

    yooooooooo! long time no see!!! great to be back!

  6. WHOA cool meng! cool!
  7. cool update!
  8. Im gonna vote for nelly [3] *Creativity - 5* *Technical - 4* *Execution - 3* *Aesthetic - 5* Totals: 17 I like the texture. Its bright and nice. Pink and black matches with the star and and the disco ball. Well i think nelle's signature is cool. Awesome work nelle! You rock!
  9. Awesome!
  10. miss the old times..
  11. Congrats To All !
  12. kola

    Ladder Change

  13. Good Luck and Wish you all the best!
  14. Need some guide on sinx critical build for woe. Thanks!
  15. kola

    Teddie Ruckie

    Nice one!
  16. Still playing or not? haha

  17. Haha.. quite nice :]
  18. I've heard some issues about this way of scamming last time and sometimes now. Lets say your buying a blue emp. Then there is a seller selling the blue emp and you offered the amount of tokens that your buying ( example 3k tokens ) but the seller do not want the tokens. But heres the trick instead of taking the 3k tokens, the seller want another deal that sounds reasonable or you can say cheaper ( example 2k tokens + purple emp ) for the blue emp. BUT the truth is that the seller do not have the blue emp and instead the seller wants someone to buy his/her purple emp because it is hard to sell nowadays. So by using this way, the buyer of the blue emp would probably buy a purple emp and traded it + 2k tokens for the blue emp because it sounds cheaper than the 3k tokens. Do not be surprise when you pm the seller back and they are gone. The objective of this scam is that someone will pretend to sell something in order for you to buy their hard sell items to make weight into the deal. So think twice before your doing a deal with someone ~~ PS : sorry if my english is bad :3
  19. Goodluck selling or buying n_______n
  20. LMAO?!! hahaha.. I wish i can do that too to my friends that took my items and quit LOL! Anyways thanks for the advice!
  21. Ok i got it already thanks nineeeeeees !!!!!
  22. When i patch it says patch 68 is not GPF or RGZ file ... Could you give me the patch file like you always did.. thanks!
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