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About Desamor~

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  1. Or just buff all class to balanced things up; To add something to the topic just add the cast time BUT leave it that casting can be interrupted since there is a card that make casting not be interrupted, also don't forget that if you use any long-range blockage skill gunslinger just swap gear->charge->swap like nothing happen.
  2. I need help with the girl in my basement...
  3. Best answer NA.... Buff a class in a way and forget about the rest just make people use the same and kill the diferent aspect of the class and go all the same; As well buff class and forget about other classes will make people stop using them even if you add something, they won't still a match since they are 1 step behind. But hey! If easy as that; Let's all be "battle priest" since that is the more OP now :D!
  4. Why the weapon didn't got the life steal too? As his counterpart.
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