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About BBlo987

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  1. ya its useless because no one wants to use it now. i didnt say that make it OP again i just want the gm to fix it and make it fair. and its easy to counter now just dispell and stone =dead on the stop and its better to use sniper than ws c lol
  2. i agree with ws c damage its useless to use it even using thana on it, should fix it to make a fair damage not nerf it all the way too its useless. waste my toks on that set.
  3. did anyone encounter this problem? please help me how to fix this. im using windows 10
  4. hello any GM online there why my account always crashing? need help please thnx


    1. Genesis


      use our All-In-One. 

  5. Hello sir please reply if your online



    1. Genesis


      What do you need help with? Perhaps another GM can help.

    2. BBlo987


      hello sir gen. just want to claim my pvp toks TIA.

  7. I dont care about them lol, if i was bad nobody will ask for my service. i got plentty of haters lol. next time if u do raid better ask them screenshot not just me but all.
  8. Never share the skull if you do faceworm thats why i told u to each take bec. if someones afk and never did the raid he will still have skull and for sure gonna pay him without efforts, got my point?
  9. Wow just great making my name famous lol. i told you i dont have a drop and its true even ask gm to check my account if theres drop. i join your raid once and why cant u blame the others? only me coz im a ring maker? lol u should ask for my screenshot if u dont believe me not like this that u still need 2 post my name on forum. post my name if u prove it that i got your drop.
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