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About ProvedEvil

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Very helpful i'm about to start that quest now. If the thief ever talks to me.... spent 30 minutes trying already (-_-). Very appreciated!
  2. Will do! Thanks again man!! ^^
  3. Thank you will give it a try!!! ^^
  4. 6:1 Yggs Berry Ticket. IGN:ProvedEvil When on: During the day EST
  5. Hello, Im writing this to you to let you know that I'm experiencing a little hiccup when it comes to loading screens. 75% of the time they load through and i can play just fine, but every now and again it'll get stuck at 100. I try to minimize but the loading screen stays as my background and i also cant right click close. Ctrl + alt + delete opens up task manager but the same problem from before happens. I can't access to opened programs on my tool bar. I can right click to re open fRO but it still stays at 100%. If i drag my mouse over the fRO program opened on my toolbar a second window will pop up next to it saying, "Error: Can't load class" but promptly goes away. In conclusion the only way to rectify the situation is to do a "hard shut off" of my computer. Which is never good and i do not like doing it. If there is ANY way anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. =] Thanks again!!!! Sincerest regards, ProvedEvil
  6. Thank you!! Be seeing you too man. ^.^ Grinding on those legendary quests right now -_-||
  7. Thanks, i kinda figured. I just got done grinding the first part of the weapons quest. Got a lot to do. Not to bad though very fun (^_^). Thank you for the input its very appreciative. Now all i need is some friends to hang with and to help me a little and i'll feel at home!! :D Sincerest regards, ProvedEvil
  8. Whaaaaaats up to all the peeps (^^)

  9. Hey guys, New to the server. Was wondering for the legendary quests do you have to grind and get every item, or do certain NPCs/people sell them? It would be greatly appreciated. I'm doing this lone wolf like most of you guys probably did but its a lot of tedious work. Seeing if there might be a shortcut. Thanks! Sincerest regards, ProvedEvil
  10. Hello, My name is Mathias 23, from USA. I've been playing RO private servers for going on... 8 years now. I started on FaithRO, went to xileRO, then to RebirthRO. After about a 3 year hiatus i decided to give it another shot since its once of my favorite games. I just started playing yesterday, and already became a forsaken knight. Now the tedious grinding begins... and part of my introduction is to see how well the community is. I'll be almost pretty much every day for a few hours and am looking for a nice group of friends to play with and kindof take me under their wing. From what i remember it was always a WAY better experience to have some help and a friendly group of people. So if you would like, and it would be greatly appreciated, hit me up on here or in game. My main is a sniper called ProvedEvil. I really look forward to playing on this server maybe even donating a little bit and voting everyday!!! It was really nice meeting you all =) and i look forward to seeing you in game or talking to you out side. Remember i am an active player and love playing with real, sincere, and good hearted people <3. Sincerest regards, ProvedEvil
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