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renever11 last won the day on October 7 2017

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About renever11

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  1. This is how we do it Well, I'm here again writing story for my friend/guildmate. He suggested I write and share his story. Here it is! I hope you like it :) You Feeling the game is REALLY UNFAIR?? There was a time when I was hunting for RSX-0806 to get Ice pick[1] because I really wanted to have a SinX breaker character!!!! MY DREAM! But I never had the chance to get it. Sadla !!! </3 FORTUNATELY!!! or maybe not.. LOL I saw a Mastersmith roaming around the nest of RSX. I asked him if he has seen RSX. I was shocked because he replied, "What is that??" LOL. So I described to him.. "BIG WHITE MACHINE WITH WRENCH AND MOVING". But he really does not know. So I asked him again, “Is this your first time playing??" He said “Yes.” Then he asked me where to find BAPHOMET because he wanted to get Baphomet card. Lucky for him, I have one (of course I'm a MVP hunter so I got most cards, LOL). So I compunded the card in a slotted knife and gave it to him, "Here Take this! This knife is good. Use it now! It's up to you if you will keep it". I never told him about baphomet card in it. LOL. He was very amazed to do splash damage :D So he was very thankful to see baphomet card in it... AND THE NEW ADVENTURES OF BIRDY (that's his name btw :D) BEGINS... (His First WEEK of playing RAGNAROK) I let him join my guild (MVP hunting guild) but he is not geared enough to do MVP hunts. So I let him hunt materials for a quest and give him some tokens in exchange. HE IS THE FASTEST FARMER I KNOW ATM!!! Saying fastest, he was using MASTERSMITH-- USING ALL NORMAL ATTACKS!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE :) He was able to farm for me those hard requirements for Friggs Quest! LMAO!! He never asked what were those items for. He was just farming to receive forsaken tokens and eventually get his Full MVP hunting set(in a month ++ time). I told him to make a Sniper for farming treasure boxes and a Champ for hunting MVPs. BTW! being first timer in playing ANY game is not that easy... you need to ask others most of the time... So our first convo as guildmates/friends was like... "BOSS...I have a question..." ~~~ "sure, What is it?" (LOL before he kept calling me boss.. but now, he got thana he is calling me by name and even other terms he wants to call me like gaylord, gayboss, WTH~!! LMAO)" "What is that?" "how to get it?" "Where to find it?" "How much is that?" "What items I need?" "Check gears" And the Q&A portion was like good for two weeks or so.. LOL even ATM he was still asking for most of items needrd... But asking is the best way to learn most of the things faster than doing it all alone :D(even in real life) so Please Look for some buddy in game and ASK How ragnarok Life is.. :D (prolly-- You can ask me too... JUST ASK ME HOW :3 HAHAHAHA) (FIRST MONTH) He got his Knight set already with leg. gauntlets/Leg. bow/ decent cards, mostly silver MVP cards and joined us in MVP hunts :) I am one month older than him playing in the server so, I can't give him much. I'm still farming too. We also got some rules in MVP hunting. If we get CARDS, we will split the proceeds (after converting the cards to ftokens using the current market price) to all members hunting in that MAP. So we all get tokens for selling MVP cards WIN-WIN no matter who killed it as long as you're with us hunting in that MAP. If he sees the MVP first, he will tell us the coordinates for us to warp in the location and help him kill the MVP fast. :D MVPing/MVP hunting with us was not as good as what he initally expected... :D He did not know that the competition for MVP (cards) is that high. PK MAPS/Mini Guild war was obvious in every MVP MAP specially in FALLEN BISHOP and DETALE maps. He almost lost his appetite in doing MVP HAHAHA!! But he witnessed that even if we are always outnumbered by other MVP GUILDS, WE STILL GET THE MVP! :D (Don't get the wrong idea please. LOL. Luck is part of MVPing too :D ) (SECOND MONTH) One day, he asked me how to THANA :) Of course, I shared that you just need simple gears in Thana. You just need to play smart and be friendly with the TIME in entering thana room. First attempt? Second attempt? Third? Fourth?? FAILED TO ENTER?? But never stop doing thana room! I told him that even I am having a hard time entering thana room so just try and try. :) Also, through farming and MVPing, he was able to get his MVP set and do MVP hunts alone for GTB/LOD and Skoll for extra income :D Well as I have mentioned on my previous post/story, I got my very own THANA CARD some time in my 3rd month. :D So ALL of my members are now really doing their best to enter Thana room and be the next lucky star. :D LOL. (MIDST OF SECOND MONTH) He can now SOLO Detale and other MVPs we are usually hunting. Now you know who's hoarding the EOF! LMAO!! But we are not alone as there are also other old and new MVP guilds hunting for EOF. GOOD TO SEE THEM in the hunt. :D Also, doing FBH hunt is like a PARTY!! Pleas see FBH map for more details of love and action. LOL. Just last night, I logged in again after a short break. I was busy with real life things. Then, I saw Birdy (in another char) in his FULL SNIPER C SET!!!! OMG!! It got me thinking. LOL. And this is the story. "BOSS!! Let them tell my story to you!!" he told me. I was very curious HOW and WHEN he got the FULL SET? LOL! I was gone for 5 days and taaadaaaa, one of my members got a new FULL SET!! WOW!!! My MVP Guildmates are really awesome!! "Ed, byby(real name) Entered THANA ROOM... and got a CAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD!!!" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!! THANATOS CARD IS REAL!! HAHAHAHAHA Well, we have days for getting the best of luck in the world. :D We just need to be patient and continue moving forward. :) Because, when you really want something, you must do something to get it (just be patient) AND THIS IS HOW WE DO IT!! :) THANKS FOR READING!! P.S. To all my guildmates/Friends Keep up the good work :) Never stop trying :D AJA! :3 Thanks for editing and proof reading --Hannapol... Byby for forcing me to make story for him... Matt for moral support.. Jen_17 for giving us quality time talking :3 LoL Zero for uuhmm ughhh Moral support!! LOL AHAHAH KEEP HUNTING! KEEP FARMING! NOTHING BEATS HARD WORK :)
  2. I'll be posting here again new story for my friend/Guildmate about some of his achievements at the moment... Hope you like it :) also this is my own Story feel free to read this story is good for beginners http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32612-feeling-the-game-is-unfair-well/
  3. I'll be posting new story for my Friend's Achievements so far :D Feeling great with my Guildmates <3
  4. BUMP -- NEW color for SHIP HAT? :D Black BLUE(corsair color?) White
  5. OH! thanks for your great appreciation of this "Story/Encouragement" @danny, @lowel2, @GMs, thank you :) \m/ --- I hope that beginners will be able to see and read this STORY at least to get inspired and continue farming for good :D I like the thought of this @lowel2 :) "grind like a mad dog, and live like a lion king(who still hunts his food lol)." This applies not only for the game but also in real life :D If we want to win or get something We must continue and never stop working for it. Thank you! :) Hope to see you all around in game :) \m/ rock on!
  6. need? Sniper B ring 2,450 IGN: BlameOnMe
  9. LOL, where are you now LouGAyLORD XD matt is looking for you LOL XD BTW this "BELONG" is the one who taught me how To enter Thana room with Passion :D LOL tnx bra!
  10. GO to CONTROL PANEL-->MY ACCOUNT--> SELECT the character you wanna reset position---> click RESET Position :D
  11. Trade sniper B set +250 =sinx c set
  12. Tnx Gm Armstrong, I hope others can Relate and Continue farming :) Shout out to my My Friends out there Who never stop believing that I can have Thana card though you're not following me in thana room not untill I got one LOL!
  13. HI Guys! I'm already three-month-old Playing in the server :) And Still Farming.. I'm posting some TIPS and Story About my 3 months playing :D hope you Read it For beginners Specially :D Tnx here http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32612-feeling-the-game-is-unfair-well/ you can copy and paste the link :D
  14. Feeling the Game is UNFAIR? This is my third month of Playing the game, and I can say that "This game is really hard at the start"(SURE FOR ALL OTHER GAMES :) ) so don't get disappointed or WE/THEY/ALL OF US started the game Crawling, Grinding, Farming, ETC :) It is just that they started the game long time ago. Here are some Fruitful news for you/us beginners.. On my first day playing I Played Pally(PALADIN) hoping and beLIEving that it is Good For MVP HUNT coz of Sacrifice skill (martyr's Reckoning) But it's not. XD It took me like 12 hours Maxing my first character.. WEW!! REALLY UNCOOL!!! on my 2nd day, I scouted most items that I need for MY character/job, Started to make friends, Communicate with others and gain some informations :D and Will Farm more SOON! So for Farming> Sniper would be best if you don't have kiels Yet( at least I got silver kiels before :)) and Wizard if you got kiels, I farmed a lot and able to get my Legendary golden avian wings, Legendary gauntlets(pair), Knight quest, and My Sniper L.bow took me all day to do so.. I'm not good at farming and I'm so slow... But I'm Still farming :) on My 3rd day I noticed that 1000 Chivalry Emblems is In demand!! 10 Forsaken Tokens for 1k :D I Just Farmed around 5K chivs(chivalry Emblems) and sold for 50+ toks coz some buying 12 toks for 1k pcs :D and sometimes able to farm up to 20k Chivs before selling.. Good Investment :) Now I'm Ready to buy some Mvp cards :D and I'm still Farming :D on my First WEEK of Farming I am able to get my FULL knight SET + MVP CARDS FOR MVP HUNTING :D including 2x Gloom, FBH, ETC And Started to LOOK FOR MVP GUILD :) (GUILD that Hunts MVPs) and I made my Super MVP MODE Champion :D and I'm Still farming... BUT this time.. I failed... I never Had a chance To get some good outcome from it maybe coz of some self interest of Others, all Promises.. ANYWAY that's part of Learning so I'm still farming ... I decided to Go SOLO Mvp Hunt! No MVP TIME? its okay I go Farming Treasure boxes at abyss_03 using Sniper :D 1B zeny = 70toks NOT BAD for 5hours Farming so Slow? but I'm Still farming... on my 3rd WEEK I was Able to farm around 400TOKS ALL for MVP hunt BUY AND SELL and Treasure box FARMING.. And someone Held an Event... Some players.. Someone not a GM and I really Don't know. He Held some events and give tokens :) NICE PIPS OUT THERE :D and I joined ALL THOSE EVENTS, (ALSO GM EVENTS ALL TIME SELL Event.TOKENS) Lucky HIS last REWARD in his EVENT IS A piece LOKI's SEAL With runes! Ofc I know its Value already :) SO I tried Hard TO get that reward and I DID! Voila its around 1,500 toks already LUCKY!! but I'm Still Farming... On MY 2nd month!! I got MY FULL LK C. SET!!! HOW?? I'm Lucky to get EOF(Essence of FIRE From MVP DETALE twice in a row) EOF COST 450 tokens BUT I NEVER SELL THEM, I DID THE QUEST FOR IT AND SELL THOSE SHIELDS :D + MY FARM IN ALL MVP+Treasure boxes! BUT I'm Still Farming :) AND COZ OF THAT FULL SET! I was Able To join WOE GUILD! ONLY 1 GUILD :) but I'm still Farming... OOPS I'm ALSO DOING SIDE LINES OF LEECHING SERVICE sometimes It's FREE when I saw YOU Leveling Alone, Don't want you to feel the same as what I Felt During my Pally Time :3 also I did some BUY AND SELL OF FULL SETS. TRADING & SELLING, you just need to be vigilant and good at Scouting market Price for this to earn good :) (FYI, I already played FULL LK C,LK B,CHAMP B,PALLY B, Prof C, Sniper C, :D ) I really want to try all jobs, but the main purpose of this is to EARN!!! and I'm Still Farming :) and Learn how to enter Thana room :) ON MY FIRST TRY!!!! I already got in thana room!! AND KILLED THANA!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!! SO LUCKY! You are already considered Lucky if you are able to enter Thana room :) CAAAAAAAAAARRRDD!!!! is not yet to come :) LOL BUT Believe me, that 0.07% or 1.4% drop rate of thanatos card(correct me if I'm Wrong) is never be the same compared to not going or Trying Thana room... If you know what I MEAN, 0.07% would mean everything than just saying to yourself, "Oh! no I will not go coz it's very hard to get thana card, many people in there, NEED LOTS OF QUIPMENTS TO KILL THANA!(NOT REALLY :) )" 0.07% is different from 0% AT ALL!!! SO PLEASE TRY THANA ROOM :) For the guide in thana room YOu can search it in forums but for you reading up to this part HERE ARE SOME TIPS (just need Sniper or if you're good enough try others but I preffer sniper FAS build, Equipments: KNIGHT SET!!! :) will do, OFC I'm using knight set for thana room even up to present, need dex gaunts, 3 kiels(HG), GTB MUST (SHIELD),2abysmal , 2 the paper card(for L.bow) ,GR card(armor)and 3 types of arrow, IMMATERIAL,SHADOW,HOLY, coz thana changes his Element after some time of getting hurt LOL, THATS ALL!! ofc the Fragments and good timing in entering thana room :D FOR SOME you can add: DEVI card, and Gloom if you can afford already Amonra for extra protection :D on MY 3rd month I was Able to form my OWN MVP GUILD, Unfortunately it's not that open to public, Just for some friends in game, those who helped me before, and those I know will still be there in Thick and Thins :) ROCK ON! NOW WE ARE ALL FARMING MVPs :) we are still FARMING even during THIS MOMENT I AM MAKING THIS WHAT EVER YOU CALL THIS GUIDE OR STORY :) ON This MY 3rd month(PRESENT TIME) of farming MVP and Entering Thana room... Just Last week... I got my Reward :D TADAAAAAAAA!! MEMORY OF THANATOS CARD!! :) It's worth trying and Believing :) Just Keep going and have Patience :) If You Feel that the game is unfair for Beginners... Think again :) it is just your feelings that makes the game unfair :) Good luck everyone keep playing, keep grinding, keep farming, Nothing beats Hard work :) IGN: BlameOnMe / Your Wiz Is My Command (NOT FAMILIAR ? OFC, COZ I'M NEW TOO :) ) PS. SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR AND SPELLING >.< Shout out to my My Friends out there Who never stops believing that I can have Thana card though you're not following me in thana room not untill I got one LOL!
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