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Shinada Hsin

Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Shinada Hsin

  1. False that's my main squeeze lawl TPBM loves to go streaking
  2. I heard you make happy faces during football lol

  3. Hell yeah lol TPBM- likes to give themself a stranger.
  4. .... Nothing is wrong with be or stalker. Only thing needed is a sword for strip stalker
  5. Like Wth you overdid it with the desu crap D<
  6. I think snipers have pretty decent damage all ready. Only problem for me is carrying yggs and speed pots
  7. D;
  8. They want your honey ;D
  9. Welcome to the server! ;D
  10. That guy from s cry ed with the sock arm <3
  11. Lmfao I was gonna say that
  12. Omg that cat is cuuuutttteeeeee. Now I want one
  13. Lol it is just a game.
  14. Shinada Hsin


    Nice job in woe today guys
  15. W.e I seen a sniper use a eager with a fshield and reducts to strip and as the person then used there bow to win
  16. Hey that avi is super Nice<3

  17. HEY go outside fer once
  18. Work ur ass off. Madox kos on my sniper LOL.
  19. That's not homo at all ;D
  20. Shinada Hsin


    Lmfao.... I had to record some stuff and make some cash D<
  21. Shinada Hsin


    I said I gave my acc to somene I havent logg on and did anything for a while...
  22. Shinada Hsin


    I gave my acc to someone for some items.
  23. Yeah but donor did it lol! He destroyed every class lol.
  24. Shinada Hsin


    I be back to play! The end
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