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Shinada Hsin

Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Shinada Hsin

  1. Am I the only person that can't logg on?

  2. Touche
  3. Nigga I'm twenty. Lmao
  4. http://sphotos-b.xx....504224813_n.jpg Pow Pow.
  5. Nope, TPBM Wants to make me Nachos.
  6. I use one vit and one str and you talk about you own my characters. Nice job you accomplished something in life. Anywho back on topic. I'm just saying they need to buff ninja with more hp/def and the walk delay.
  7. Okay not everyone uses the new str belts. Thats the only way to get full damage and use the skill. I actually can spam champ well. No need to sweat. You're sweating me with unnecessary BS.
  8. Wow... Ninjas are not the most overpowered class on here. You make it seem like they are invincible to everything. It takes skills get out a wall situation. Every class takes skill to play. I'm like the only person that plays ninja on the server. Everyone spams champs and snipers due to their Op skills.
  9. Yeah ninjas do already have enough damage, I would like if they can take off the walk delay from cast cicada and def. I would be okay with that.
  10. Yeah but we still have low health and you act like we can dodge every attack. If we get cornered that's game.
  11. Uhmmmm yeah Low health my nig =_______=.
  12. Lol chill out. I'm just saying.

  13. Nikki you can get the schlong. lmao

  14. You hip.
  15. Yes it's a Lady Gaga bracelet. o.o
  16. Tada!
  17. Shinada Hsin

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary I just noticed that I have tremendous swag. The End.
  18. Shinada Hsin

    World Cup

  19. Why so sexy <3?
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