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About deepfreeze1

  • Birthday March 1

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  • Ingame Character Names
    Eisen L. Whisemburgh

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Novice (1/10)



  1. finished it in two days
  2. salamander and kasa doesn't drop cards regularly. out of 50 of each monster I only got 4-6 cards. ?
  3. MyDay!

    *Off to bed^^

    Jaa matta ashta Ohime-sama. See u tomorrow! hahaha






  4. Is this still available? Whenever i talk to the bard i just got this. I'm already a Forsaken Knight.
  5. yes. thanks! I already read it on troubleshoot problems and fix it on control panel. I didn't know. Thank you!
  6. Dear Forsaken Team, PLS ANY GM COULD FIX MY CHARACTER PLS... PLS JUST BRING MY CHARACTER BACK AT FCITY!!.. I USED TO WARP AT A PARTICULAR NPC NAMED "Senior Senator" (for_king 161 158) after that the client went crash and shows this. Im doing Citizenship Quest i didn't know that quest and NPC were no longer updated. All my items are in there /sob Im only 2 weeks old playing this. sorry for being noob. Please somebody help me :< I hope this will be fixed ASAP..... thanksPLEASE FIX THIS! IGN: Eisen L. Whisemburgh
  7. any guilds that I can join that are free? im still new so don't expect :<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deepfreeze1


      ohh btw i'd like to idle in gonryun.. yeah i see alot of uncrowned kings' guild there.. woahhh.. r they're all friendly? 


    3. gunxsword11


      yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ......... as long as they not afk ofc XD ... i think i see u time to time ~ feel free to drop by anytime :3

    4. deepfreeze1


      okayy thanks ^^

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