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Everything posted by Moogle

  1. Working with what i had on the test server, in a party of 5 people with cursed ring i was doing 22k and solo was doing 17k on blessed ring i was doing about 25k with all kicks solo.
  2. I see no issues with the current damage, watching the events since the change i'm not seeing TK's struggle with survivability or DPS output. And along with qperteplex I saw TK's still being able to one shot lower hp classes like sniper,sinx and even redux chars, granted I don't know what gear they were wearing but i doubt everyone was wearing improper equips.
  3. Ares already stated why he doesn't make a post with every little change on the rings, and as for people complaining about the TK dmg being changed I cant help but take it that people just want there class to be "OP" you can't honestly tell me the damage before is fair at all. I've seen paladins die instantly before they can even react and they have between 750-800khp, imagine how say the less tankier classes feel who have between 250-350k. As for the ranker list nobody forced him to get #1 on the list, there's no difference from rank #1 to #10 and certainly nobody told him to be almost over 100 points above #2.
  4. Yes I know I was just saying that's what it was originally at when the damage was at its highest.
  5. what description?
  6. I as well thought the TK class was very strong, being a ranker does take some time yes, but not impossible. Being able to spam infinite kicks doing 210k (as you stated) seems pretty high dmg to me I don't know any other class that can output that kind of damage infinitely. Now before the kicks were doing Heel Drop 800% Roundhouse kick 500% Counter kick 430% Tornado kick 1000% (on cursed) this damage was also being stacked with Fighting Chant (Skill ID# 424, iRO Name: Kihop) It increases your ATK (2*SkillLV)% per party member on the same map. For example, if there are 10 party members, and you have LV 5 in this skill, your ATK is increased by 100%. party is capped at 32 or 36 people per party if I remember correctly so they are getting another extra 320 or 360% in big events like WoE and GvG making the damage even higher and impossible to tank
  7. Third job classes are not playable, but you can add a different patch to put the sprites on.
  8. I believe the spam is faster because the damage is much less, if it does half the damage but spams twice as fast then its about the same as just using the freyr's blade.
  9. Doesn't matter to me but I think we should have a fix for the redux build on this new patch.
  10. Yes new sprites would be ideal. Either making it take the Sacred wings + 20 pvp tokens or having it part of a quest would be fine as well. We cant increase the demi human reduction anymore than we have already we are currently at 87% redux using the redux build, once you break the 90% threshold you take significantly less damage and are pretty much unkillable. Also on the note of "Redux build" i think we need to change something on the current build for Clowns/Gypsy and Profs the current trend of playing full redux and only using tarot card or dispel/stone curse is very "anti fun" and not the type of pvp I think we want to have on this server (what i think we should to do nerf the "redux build") i think we need to disable Combat Knife from being able to stack with all the other redux, (like was done with friggs) just from taking this off i went from taking 74k from asura to 140k.
  11. I'm love the new weapons! Good job Ares!

  12. Also need to add Fire Imps into the room for Red Stone
  13. Current Wings Sacred Wing- Reduce all damage taken by 10% Royal Angel Wings- Reflect 23% of Physical damage There is also Mythical Green Wings and Ice Wings, both give +15% walking speed.
  14. Moogle


    Welcome :)
  15. -WoE 2.0 Make a map to farm the requirments for repairing the guardian stones/barricades Currently: Barricade requirements 30 Lumber (dropped by Wooden Golem at 10%) 10 Welding Metal (dropped by Metaling at 10%) 10 Enriched Diamonds (dropped by Mineral at 10%) 5 Structural Oridecon (dropped by Dimik at 10%) Guardian Stone requirements 30 Stone Pieces (dropped by Megalith at 10%) 1 Structural Oridecon (dropped by Dimik at 10%) 1 Structural Elunium (dropped by Pitman at 10%) 5 Blue Stones (dropped by Fire Imp at 10%) 5 Red Stones (dropped by Necromancer at 10%) 5 Yellow Stones (dropped by Acidus at 10%) I would say to either make a map with for example, 300 mobs and 20-30% chance drop or 50-100 mobs and 50-60% chance drop could make this map like the seed room where you rent a pass for x amount of time for x amount of tokens or, you could use the 2.0 guild dungeon and have the mobs spawn there and whoever owns the castle can farm it (schg_dun01)
  16. -PvP ladder Make a new pvp wing with increased effect (Refined Sacred Wings) (not more than 10% redux) all stats +10 or 15 [1] slot worth 20 PvP tokens (Refined Royal Angel Wings) 23% reflect +15vit [1] slot 20 PvP tokens
  17. Glad to have you with us :)
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