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Forsaken Elite
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About psykid

  • Birthday 11/15/1991

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  • Location
    NYC (not really just long island. But basically........NYC)

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Knight (3/10)



  1. Hello all, I'm a super OG fRO player from like 10 years ago. I recently started playing Ragnarok M on my phone and felt a strong sense of lacking so I decided to come back to fRO and start a whole new account. This is my old forum account tho.
  2. Hey what's up guys, as evident from the amount of posts I have, I'm a member from a while ago, before third classes were around. I decided to return after reminiscing about my times here with my old roommate from college. Hopefully this will be an extended stay.
  3. yea i come back from time to time.

  4. WHOA!! You're back?!?! :O

  5. Dude you're never on now, anyways Happy bday! ;)

  6. psykid

    empty bottles

    okey dokeys thnx.
  7. psykid

    empty bottles

    Where the hell do u find them?
  8. Party All The Time - Eddie Murphy :P
  9. psykid

    The Hangover

    I haven't seen it yet due to my graduation and all the preceding events but I plan to see it soon. I just want to know what you guys think of it. I just saw the trailer and from that I deduced that it was gonna b the funniest movie that I've seen in ages.
  10. psykid


    Pspisoz is a good site but I think that pspiso.com is better. It's a forum who's users have collectively uploaded every PSP game made and most PSX, emulation, and homebrew games. It also has all of the CFW for the psps and alot of videos. I just think that the site is better but that's just me.
  11. Gamertag: hellbringr2021 PSN name or watever its called: psykid
  12. Hello again people. 421.
  13. I know. All but 4 of them are dead now.
  14. Banned for advocating penguin abuse.
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