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About ackosijin

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. So for now I managed to hunt a Phreeonin Card but it seems I can't do any damage on the Valk (Using HW). Btw all my 3 kiels are being used by my HW, should I just transfer it whichever I am using? Or should I get another 3? And about the Phree + Valk Rang combo, should I use any "annoying" card for the other 2 slots? Since I don't have any, and I mean ANY, form of reflect. I'll list down my current equips which is being borrowed from my HW. Upper: Piamette (Kiel) Mid: Myth Aura (Kiel) Lower: L. Baloon (Kiel) Armor: FKnight (2x silver tgk, I can afford tgk and I can hunt for GR but I'm not sure if thats the right thing to go to first) Cloak: Fknight (2x raydric)(Currently hunting for skolls if I ever see any or might just buy from other players) Boots: Fknight (Firelock Soldier 2x / 2x Silver FBH) (<--only what I have atm) 2x Int Gaunts Shield: Fknight (Usakoring) Weap: L.Bio (4x kingring) And also, Why can't I see any of the homun summon skills or something in my bio? Or do they just have different descriptions or names?
  2. And btw, I only have 3 kiels atm and some toks but not much. Which mvp card do you suggest I get first? Or maybe buy another L. Bio first before cards. Thanks.
  3. Thanks Ray, also another question. What alternative cards can I use for the default mace? I already have a L.Bio with 4x kingrings and planning to get another L. Bio. Any suggestions? I don't think i'll be able to get those mentioned cards any sooner since those are kinda rare imo.
  4. Necromancer.
  5. I believe that kind of hotkey bar is for the Renewal server and our server isn't, thus you can't expand it. There's already a thread for this if you're looking for some explanations.
  6. Thanks Vivi.
  7. Can I ask where do I get these? Zenorc's Fang Heart of Mermaid Alcohol Empty Bottle Thanks xD
  8. That dungeon is for farming berries specifically. Yggdrasil Berry to be exact.
  9. PM ME ingame Kael The Invoker 1 Shot Godlike
  10. Was thinking of letting my HW join and I just started farming in seed dungeon. IGN is: Kael The Invoker Thanks in advance :D
  11. Okay, to be honest I'm really surprised that this thread got a lot of replies with a lot of effort as well. I actually learned about you guys from this thread alone and the other classes as well. Hahaha thanks guys.
  12. Never used SL before tho XD
  13. First and foremost, this thread is for sharing your main character's class and alts and their reasons. Well, I'm just curious as to why people pick that certain class. Is it just for fun or do they look or sound cool or whatever. I'll simply start it off then XD Sniper = Well because I've played sniper classes on every rpg I played. High Wizard = For farming purposes I guess
  14. So uh, is it normal that I'm not getting a single Memory Book from Agav for 2 days now? And yes, I'm the guy who asks a lot lol.
  15. Well thats kinda harsh haha. Well anyway thanks alot <3
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