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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. /heh i'm going to use this map to "cure the ailment" from now XD
  2. If that's the problem you can also DIE XD When it happen to me it's @warp thor_v03, sit and wait...
  3. Sorrow


    Are only me and him impressed that the archer in question deals over 27k damage with a normal attack? Unless that was a sharp shooting...that's acceptable, but the post above wasn't that precise about it. As for the skills, yeah Ring of Fire Lord and Ring of Ressonance, hydro lancer also for spell breaker.
  4. Sorrow

    Art is freedom

    Thank you so much ^^ Emy is great, your sig can show that to anyone here /ok i see that you like foxes, i like them a lot too, but my favorite animal still is the wolf.
  5. Sorrow

    Art is freedom

    i'll give it a shot =D and this will not be the last drawning i'll make also. Though i'm still a rookie in the coloring job, i have to improve a lot in this, i'd find it great if you could make a coloring in it. You draw and color very well, i'll send you the original, i've seen that Photobucket takes a bit of the original's quality, understandable why though.
  6. Sorrow

    Art is freedom

    How cruel can they be huh? applyng taxidermy in the animal wasn't enough, they had to mutilate the poor thing T.T i've seen yours =3 great drawning by the way, it is what inspired me to draw my professor in fact, though i'm still lazy to color it...
  7. Sorrow

    Art is freedom

    Thank you a lot =3 My fox is still alive by the way, i once saw somewhere that professors use scarfs of ninetail's hide, and in the main sprite and pics...ithink there's 8 tails missing...lol
  8. Sorrow

    Art is freedom

    This is my main and favorite char =3 i can be useless because of a single card...but i still look cool /no1 PS:first time posting a image so i may screw something up =P
  9. Shield Smasher =D
  10. This game sounds so amuzing...i have the one for N64, though for the advanced ones i've got only a PS2 till now. Still a step up to take. Wish me luck, maybe we can have a match sometime(if my mom buys it for me =P).
  11. Garm...i don't kill her...and if i catch someone killing her i shall have this person's skull. /gg
  12. The balance promise caught my attention.
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