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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. Very happy birthday buddy :guitar: *gives a lot of cookies* i was going to give another cake, but after the Chuck Norris cake, there's absolutely no cake that can come close to compare X3
  2. Sorrow

    Animations :]

    Looks aweasome to me :3 If i was one of those whores who can pay 2k coupons on an emp aurora i would ask you for an animation without second thoughts nor regret ^^
  3. Seriously when we take Asura Strike into consideration...20k could be the difference between death and survival >.> Besides having 20k more HP can also give you more time to 'breath' amidist of the ygg spam. @storage doesn't work on pvp arena/LMS ^^ Yggdrasil berry=SP is not an issue to worry about EDP=Buy 100 bottle for 2 coupons and be happy spamming this thing. You got good points, but their sacrifices are nothing compared to what some other jobs face. When a situation is not fair and complain is all people can do...by all means complain away XD Who knows their voices will be heard someday? =P @Ryoji; LOL XD i'd still agree with you though ^^
  4. i can easily tell you what i hate about this server >.> what i like? everything else ^^
  5. Sorrow

    Woe chest drops

    No way...
  6. In a server i previously was, there was a sex changer NPC, it was a troublesome quest to do and you could them change it XD though since i never did that...i don't know if they managed to make things such as...having a female character and a male character in the same account oO, don't know if this is possible to make Anyways i REALLY don't want things such as 100 Mill coupons to happen again, it can look pretty good for those with lots of coupons, but for those who actually need them, it is terrible. Don't forget about those who want to obtain them, many opinions here are sided more with those who already have lots.
  7. i had mentioned that previously, but thank you so much for explaining the system and advantages of it :3
  8. Well the idea is not make Gunslingers be on pair in HP with a paladin, the idea is to only give a bit more of a chance to gunslingers. If large damage output is reason enough to make a classe's HP so low, sinxes and champs should have like 40k hp on lv 255. On the same day gravity stops messing up what it creates and decides to modify permanently...a few things... >.>
  9. As a zenny farmer, i don't know if i want d coupons rising in zenny value =/ even so this idea has so much potential i just can't disagree with it XD You know what kind of product i'm pretty sure would be a success and wouldn't cause any harm balance-wise? Effect potions :3 Potions to make things such as...shrink/enlarge characters, monster disguises, this kind of thing. People wouldn't want them cause it's an edge in pvp and the such, they would want it cause it's fun XD the disguise idea Emy had sounded nice to me.
  10. This idea could work, yet i do wonder what kind of item could be placed to sell without causing problem to none of the sides(buyer and seller of the main farming products). If this NPC was to sell something like Converters, the price would only be fair if it was around 6 coupons the hundred(for exemple). This should not harm(much) the profit of the people who farm converter making itens. Yet, the itens that should be sold in this NPC should be custom consumables. And no itens normally obtainable through farming, cause this could lessen the value of them(which would harm the farmers). Things like...soul link scrolls, Buff scrolls(agi up, blessing, etc), slim white potions, rental unique equipments... But no FCP scrolls...these things need to vanish XD
  11. Yeah, but even so, hit with any other element, do the math; the target can't ygg while stunned and you keep hitting with 3 attacks of 100% still is more than 1 of 200%. It's not necessary to change the whole things about vit; only the stun protection, which by the way must be pretty easy. Other classes could benefit from this. WS uses a skill that stuns as well not only Gypsy. But hey...don't take me wrong i want something good for Gypsy as much as you. i'm just stating the pros of this option, still keeping Gypsy's uniqueness and giving them a plus as well as helping other classes/strategies in the process. And for the balance, you still got it good...all your skills aren't blocked because of a single card. Besides...i still don't see how a lame and easily defensable freesing status that has under 60% chance of working will grant your victory over that sinx you mentioned ^^ If you want to freese others so bad...by all means use a garm card ^^ AND...the hard way is always more fun :3 Anyways...i'm just opening horizons and possibilities, if the freezy-thing gets to be it instead, i'll be glad as well. But...i still think that Clowns and Gypsy really need a bit more of HP...
  12. See things this way, even if the target isn't changed in element, the opponent still be vulnerable after the first hit, you can connect like two-three arrow vulcans of ghost+ghost instead of just one Wind+water, i think it's more effective, since stunned opponents don't 'unstun' after the first hit. It requires good timing but it's pretty doable and only will show how skilled you trully are with your gypsy :3 It lasts kinda long cause Vit is what gives protection against stun, but what determines how much time you'll be stunned is Luk, who uses luk in this server other than perfect dodge professors? XD Besides countering an Orc Hero is not really necessary, the pressure you put on the opponent to force him/her into losing a kiel/mayap already pays it; it's far better than having a skill that doesn't work at all ^^ Like...i really wish i could counter the FBH of those lame meelees...but it's impossible and there's not a way to 'force' them into using something else...
  13. No overpowered-usable-by-everyone-all-around-weapon-thingy. i've came from a server where you could donate for an angra manyu that was equipable by everyone and well...it was one of the reasons i wanted to leave XD
  14. But shit is to be taken serious! What if there's a piece of shit in your room and you don't take it serious enough to clear it off? It's gonna smell... XD
  15. Maybe this is why i don't like them XD Well actually, they keep their own element, and Gypsies can take a heck of an advantage of an immobile opponent unable to dodge. Their element is most likely to be ghost since mostly everyone defaults ghostring, Arrow Vulcan spam Immaterial Arrow style is a good way to exploit it. Sniper and Gypsy/Clown are the only ones who can take full advantage of ghost property players. Exactly, to my thinking, being naturaly immune to stun is something that MUST come with a high price, that's how it was intended to be. Also i'm aware of the Orc Hero card and its effect, but there's Marc card and people still get frosen, there's meduza card and people still get Stoned. i think that forcing people to use less kiels or sacrifice even maya p is a neat option to this skill too.
  16. Well, Gs have lower HP because they are first class and all. If you look at the angle of low rates, that two novices, one becomes a slinger and the other an archer, when they reach 99, the hunter will need to rebirth and then go an even thougher path to become sniper, for having more than double the work and time expended to become a sniper, s/he deserves to have more HP than a slinger. But, in this server, anyone with a good leecher can get to base lv255 as a transclass in less than half hour. So this compensation of the snipers should be removed for their 'tough' path isn't tough anymore. Yes, they deserve HP plus, as well as Ninjas, for that matter.
  17. Sorrow


    That's the idea :3 Creator on low rates are much more that just crazy add bombers, they have tactics that were pretty effective. In a low rate their game play adds the need to think to get your fights done(much like snipers with their traps). But with their tactic weapons rendered weak they become nothing more than AD spammers and dual client FECPers. Their AD suffers from the abundance of GR too which makes their utility mostly end on FCPers.
  18. Sorrow


    There are some failures about them... Firstly, their main weapon the AD, is a bit lame...it's always same property, also the property that has the biggest way to reduce 80% from GR. Also...since this is the main way to make a good creator, why is that their elite weapons none boosts INT? I think their elite weapons should be something worth it, like stronger versions of Fireblend and ice falchion that add int and have slots X3 It would be cool... Also, i think they have potential to be more versatile and interesting. Their summoning skills for exemple, what if the plants also got stronger with the creator? Like the plants from Bio Cannibalize. They should like...hit with the same hit the creator has, have much more HP(more than the creator XD) and deal damage/heal using the creator's intelligence. Summon marine sphere could become better too lots of HP for the sphere for exemple =P. On low rates i used to use plants and sphere so much, not only AD. Just an idea cause i think that out of all the jobs that have some PvP potential creator is the most interesting...second to spellcasters =P(but the last ones are a lost cause)
  19. Battle cry; "Can you feel the sunshine?" or "/pif" H Slogans; "Never fight a battle you can't win." ANNND "Next time you see me...you better put GTB on right from the start!" XD
  20. Seriously...try to strip+coma someone and see how you feel...it's...fun :happystrange: If you manage to do that with someone that think they are so great...it's almost as good as chocolate...
  21. Sorrow


    Sleep in the train's trail :3
  22. What about a time limit? let's say...2 days limit to remain there when they aren't in the mall? It's mostly cause some venders in areas like fcity's NPC stores camp there with absolutely awful prices for...trash! XD They are literaly taking space there, i've once seem a topic of a new comer asking if there was an alchemist needs NPC shop in the server...said he didn't find in the NPC mall at fcity...afk venders blocked his sight so much he didn't see the alchemist NPC in there! XD
  23. That's a interesting analizis...let me tell something about this; Religion should never be used as refference to law. Religion is an optional thing; you choose what religion you'll follow. The law is for all. If your Religion says "You must kill people who insult thy God." BUT you live in a country that says, "You'll be imprisioned permanently or sentenced to death if you kill someone, unless it's legit selfdefence." what you think'll happen if you kill someone for having insulted your god? XD If laws and Religion had the same weight as was in the past, maybe some other Inquisitions would have happened...something which by the way i think the Catholic Church will never make up to. They should be able to legaly marry...but forcing a priest to make them a religious marriage...this is another story XD What Icarus tried to say(i assume) is that the Nazi were/are intolerant. When you have intolerance for other people's well being for the fact they are simply living their way doing nothing offensive to you...you have something in common with the Nazi...in a lesser degree indeed, but 1 pound of sh*t or 1 ton of sh*t still is sh*t no matter how you look at it /heh
  24. i'm waiting for a plus for the magic class...as much as this idea seems atractive...i first want a real and efficient change, not a simple "bread and theatre"
  25. See things this way, even if nothing gets changed gypsies still have a much cooler(and cuter) sprite than the clown(that look kinda stupid to my taste =P) And as i said in the other topic about this, i still think that since this is a high server some game physics should be changed...like, since max stats here is 300, should get 1% stun protection for each 3 VIT points. Proportionally, Max VIT 99=1% Stun protection for each 1VIT Max VIT 300=1% Stun protection for each 3 VIT (+or-)
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