Maybe if he doesn't have tactics or something that make him get easy money to buy coupons, participate in events, even in Team LMS trying to do something, if he works on that maybe he won't be Ranting the server, I can say he's like some people who only plays RO to sit down and they think since this is a High Rate they will get things easier, I like this server and even me having the +40 belts i complained about that, but now i see it makes server interesting, maybe he doesn't have spirit of playing , I remember when i joined , me and my friends were strong and had a lot of Massive fights in the first PVP it was so funny, Me, Mike, Terminus , Ami , Blade, SinC, Jessnar, Kinketsu, Drax , xTrinity, Aster or TicTac was our first community, It was so exciting everyone had cool equips and they worked for that... I used to call Drax the 999k Beware, Lawl :]