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Everything posted by fusuke100

  1. Reserved
  2. we really need a thanatos room reconnection npc because we w8 for 2 hours fight with other player to enter and the drop Rate is low so when we get Dc and the gm aren't available our effort just gone to waste in a second with the dc so i thing we realy need a re connection npc cuz not all players have good internet connections i dc 2 times already in the room and i cant find any gm online to help
  3. we really need a thanatos room reconnection npc because we w8 for 2 hours fight with other player to enter and the drop Rate is low so when we get Dc and the gm aren't available our effort just gone to waste in a second with the dc so i thing we realy need a re connection npc cuz not all players have good internet connections i dc 2 times already in the room and i cant find any gm online to help
  4. S>O maroon RAW=[1.4] S>Brynhildr w/ str runes=[3.3] pm me ty **.WIZ.**
  5. Where I am Now I’m here in my favorite farming spot where I started to earn all my gears where I started to grow up where I learn how to be matured where I started from 0 to hero this plays will always be my farming zone my home where I will hone my gears and I will not stop farming here even If I became the top player. ;)
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