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sinrage last won the day on January 27 2015

sinrage had the most liked content!

About sinrage

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  • Real Name
    Jason Atkins
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sinrage's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. bored....totally RO newbie but its fun!

  2. Talk to Prince Theodore III Once you have proven your knowledge, you must prove your strength and courage by returning with: 1000 Chivalry Emblems .......doesn't fully tell anything in wiki about where to get these chivalry emblems no warp point or anything so stuck seems the wiki needs to be detailed more cause i'm new to this game and have been stuck on this spot cause of miss leading or no information.
  3. sinrage

    Bard Build

    need bard build im new ...i think ive been putting points in stats wrong:(
  4. New to game completely but wanna learn it ive dipped into the game along time ago but I didnt get to play much any help is much appreciated. :)
  5. im new to game but would love to join your guild,Ive tried to message you and your officers but none where on im usually on about 12am est cause i work 2nd shift ..... if there is any way i can get a invite would be greatful if you do welcome new ppl that will ask a lot of questions hehe.
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