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Everything posted by XiaoLongNu

  1. hey sorry but i'm not in my house.. thers no fRO here.. I'm playing dota with my friends.. can it be tom?? and what is ur char name?? /thx
  2. B> sinx card reply here /thx
  3. EJAY!!! What country you from??
  4. Hey What time u r online?? reply here please /thx
  5. Don't Forget to Vote ForsakenRO!!! /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx
  6. XiaoLongNu


    Don't Forget to Vote ForsakenRO!!! /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx
  7. Don't Forget to Vote ForsakenRO!!! /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx
  8. B> 2pcs Kiel = 40 1 Dark Lord = 8 1 F.Helm = 85 reply here please /thx Or if I'm Online PM - Xiao Long Nu or - *Xiao Long Nu* /meow /meow /meow
  9. B> F.Helm(If you Have) = 85 coupons Kiel = 20 coupons reply here please /thx Or if I'm Online PM - Xiao Long Nu or - *Xiao Long Nu* /meow /meow /meow
  10. B> F.Helm = 85 coupons reply here Or If I'm Online PM - Xiao Long Nu or - *Xiao Long Nu* /meow /meow /meow
  11. F.Helm = 85 coupons?? reply here
  12. B> F.Helm and Assasin Cross Card Offer and reply Here!!! /thx If I'm Online, PM - Xiao Long Nu or PM - *Xiao Long Nu* /meow /meow /meow
  13. I'll buy your F.Helm.. Xiao Long Nu - PM *Xiao Long Nu* - PM or reply here please!!! /thx
  14. 30 qpon for the sinx card reply here !!!
  15. Nice Guide!!! /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx /thx
  16. Buying sinx card reply here!!!
  17. B> sinx card for 35 qpons reply here
  18. B> Assasin Cross Card for 35 Qpons reply here!!!
  19. XiaoLongNu

    Rinn's Shop

    Yes Why???
  20. Buying F.helm for 60 qpon... reply here!!! If no, I'll Buy Pwnsauce F.helm for only 65 qpon
  21. Bitch. The other F. Helm is mine... Hold it for me reply here please ----------------------------- Characters Champion - *Xiao Long Nu* High Wiz - Xiao long Nu
  22. XiaoLongNu

    Rinn's Shop

    B> Assasin Cross Card for 60 coupons, I want Event qpons... reply here!!! :wub:
  23. hey arcane are you really ~Luna~?? hehe its me Xiao... Remember my Head Gear?? haha
  24. Good Luck!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  25. XiaoLongNu

    Rinn's Shop

    WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY RINN Wers ur sinx card??????? Sold out???? WTF!!!!!
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