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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by zauron

  1. What do uTHink BOut EMO?/hmm being EMo See's Not in der Fashion but the way They used To be Emo..LOL dont say anything coz ur not oNE.. Y u dont upload pics too? hmm so i can comment too.. walssy i choose u!! pika pikaaaaaa yah right pikachu... pika pika pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!(pikachu walshy use thunder shock) waaaaaaaaa owning /omg /gg hahaha...get lost
  2. Ow Really !! Oh come on... U dOnt know ME., i think ur a Special child,psyco /heh /gg
  3. I Can Defeat ur papaum mamaw /heh /gg
  4. OK lets TRY hahaha...But We have nO GFX lol
  5. zauron

    This or that

    Scourge OR SENTINEL
  6. HI to OL FORSAKEN players IM "Zauron" New member of HAtred Guild^_^ ITs me Again WAFU /gg /awsm Woaaah SOO EMO.. /lv /kus Yeah in Concert w/ MY belt /swt /gg /heh
  7. can i join hahaha /gg.. LOL.THIS is MY FAV music... cat and mouse - by red jumpsuit buried myself alive by the used.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=T_2HhSNkWTc&feature=related SOO emo /gg thnx 4 watching
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