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Forsaken Elite
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LeanKun last won the day on November 18 2014

LeanKun had the most liked content!

About LeanKun

  • Birthday August 10

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    DotA 2
    Singing in the shower xD

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LeanKun's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. GL HF
  2. Enjoy your stay :D
  3. Please and thanks :D
  4. LeanKun

    Fro For Mac

    If I install the Windows OS, would it replace the Apple OS?
  5. LeanKun

    Fro For Mac

    Can you play this game on a Mac?
  6. Cool xD I only have 3.5k scrub mmr Well okay. It's cool to make a thread official I guess xD
  7. Welcome Back :D
  8. What makes this so official? :O I've played a little bit of League, more on other MOBA games such as DotA and DotA 2
  9. Bump :D
  10. Cool :o Based on funology.com, Dinosaurs probably lived to be between 75 to 300 years of age. Scientists figured this out from looking at the structure of their bones.
  11. 20-30m each IGN: PancakeKun Edit: Bought :D (Please close this)
  12. Silver Kiel Card Silver Lady Tanee Card Silver Turtle General Card Silver Orc Lord Card Silver Mistress Card Silver FBH Silver Tao Gunka Card Silver Phreeoni Card Angeling Card
  13. I'll quote a part of your post. "Lower Head: I suggest to use L.Balloon as it adds +10 to all stats. But if time comes you can get a vote cape. It would be the best middle headgear you can use in wizard if its sole purpose is to farm." Vote cape = Vote Infernal High Wizard Cape?
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