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Forsaken Elder
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  1. Dave

    WoE Ideas.

    More castles would be a good start,having a choice of what castle to att is a must imo for a good woe. Also the time of woe for me personally is not so good around midnight sometimes my time somtimes early morning. It might also be an idea to encourage more to guilds to woe,if you could only take one castle at a time,that way your not gonna get swamped by a guild that already has a castle,this might encourage more to take and hold what they have instead of randomly attacking castles. I good active woe guild i could join would help me too lol.
  2. Did that on me too,its very annoying,you have to warp off and come back the only way i found of gettning out of it.
  3. Dave


    I answered your question in your other post
  4. Dave


    Zoom in with mouse wheel? thats what i do anyway.
  5. Ok you say 195 att speed+ coma,why not lower the att speed? 180/5, or nerf the items that inflict coma,there are plenty of other ways to solve this problem without adding the immunity to GTB. Also GTB has never blocked any status effect,it only blocks what gets added to the script the original script for the card doesnt block status ailments. Just another thought,if everyone wants immunity to coma ,why not just add a new card that gives just that,instead of making one card do everything.
  6. Why does everyones idea about GTB have to have it block effects?,they are part of the game learn to get around them there are cards that help already with most effects,just because people cant be arsed to swop cards to get the immunity from things is no reason to add imunity to everything on the server to GTB.
  7. Dave


    I didnt say macros did have anything to do with Buffbots,i was saying that both as far as i know are illegal to use.I would also say that a Macro is a 3rd party program,as it didnt download with the game.
  8. Dave


    I would say NO they would be classiefied as 3rd party programs that help or give an advantage to a player,so they would be illegal to use,having said that i do think people use them too. Its like Buff bots,they were not supposed to be used anymore but people still do it.
  9. So whats to stop people working as a team and letting one person kill them all the time and sharing the prize?,or a huge party ganaging everyone that comes in pvp just to get on the ladder,ganging in pvp now is bad with prizes up for grabs its gonna hot up. Dont get me wrong im not against the idea, i think its good just dont know how your gonna know if its done ligit or not.
  10. There are a few mvp's missing off the server,so i cant really chose the one i like( But my Avatar is a clue)
  11. Do you think a fight would make you seem more grown up?,to me what you said just proves my point.
  12. LOL another child..
  13. If you are going to start insulting people who express an opinion then i think it is you who should leave the forum's,if you cannot answer a post without having to insult people then it's time to grow up,my idea was a suggestion not a fact that was going to happen,and if you are going to condem my ideas at least put it into words that make sence.
  14. I have to say,yeah they do woe,but there woe tactics suck,the ones i saw didnt have a clue how to defend and att it was just one mass rush to the emp room. Nothing personel to anyone,just my observation at the time.
  15. As i have not got a guild atm,the one i was in didnt woe as nobody was online for it,i just run around causing havoc atm durig woe,fun but gets boring quick,so yeah lets leave it with one castle and see how it goes,hopfully it will get better and we can have more castles up in the future.
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