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About orieL

orieL's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too?

  2. @sartorius19 it ses no invi or snap & skills 2 xD .. just pure walk doesent matter if paladin or LK ride in a peco peco the monster still attack them.. :th_ho: :th_e5: :th_e6: Why you gotta be so rude? :th_ho: Don't you know I'm human too? :th_ho:
  3. tnx Aoi Jah Love Jah Bless
  4. its their choice what caracter did they want to use in RFYL if they want to use Paladin its their choice if they want to use other job doesent matter using paladin has advantage and disadvantage the moster attack any character until he/she die if its a paladin and it has a long life no worries the monster still kill him (Disadvantage) while the monster attacking the paladin who has long life the other charater / players will run to avoid the monster next target (Advantage) IN SHORT WHAT LEVEL YOU ARE WHAT JOB YOU ARE YOURE WELCOME TO JOIN THE RFYL EVENT THE MONSTER HANDLE THE SITUATION =) :th_gawi: :th_ph:
  5. S /T> +0 Black Necromancer Hood= ?
  6. i think the RFYL is different between Novice Vs. Zombies Novice Can attacK the Zombies ayt? in RFYL THE MONSTER CAN'T ATTACK BY PLAYERS ! aLL you can do is RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN.. :th_e4: :th_ph:
  7. Thank You [GM]Ares i hope it'll be official event here in forsakenRO ^^
  8. heLp i Need a cUre -_-

  9. Good Day, To aLL co Player's & GM's i Suggested RFYL EVENT ( Run For You're Life Event) i think its pretty cool to play this kind of event all characters can join this event it goes like this it'll be held @ Dice Event Room the GM Hosting Must Summon 1 Very Strong Monster that can Kill Fast as he can! then the players keep on running to survive the monster attack Running For Their Life.. ( ALL CHARACTERS WILL DO -its up to you- ) (NO Berry / Seed / Pots ALLOWED) ( no invi or snap & skills 2 xD .. just pure walk ) the last 1 player alive will win the prize =) What Do you think GM's & co Players Hope You Like it <3
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