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Everything posted by Accidie

  1. Vikemon looks like tusk from dota 2
  2. Mannn this is awesome!
  3. abyss_03 and get treasure chest for zeny
  4. I usually run fRO in .exe but always getting alot of failed to connect,then i decided to run it into patcher then it patched for 3 seconds and stops with a word "frodata.grf is in use" and i wait for like 10minutes and its not patching help mee.. pleasee, sorry for my english. Im noob.
  5. its been 4 hrs and i can't log in even in website and the forums did i get IP banned?.im in a different computer right now. Sorry for my english
  6. Leave your IGN
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  7. Um.. he's telling me to delete my main character for using his name,Srsly!? i will delete my character the one that has unlocked some quest.(which is really time consuming) and i have been playing in this server for like 3 weeks.
  8. Thanks guys for the informations,I thought this thing is a big deal. phew...
  9. Well..a while ago i was broadcasting in trade and then someone is getting pissed because we've got the same name(like i know) and then he starts crying and threatening me that i will get banned for copying his name(seriously!?) is that even possible? cause i'm new in this server like 3 weeks. Sorry for my bad english.
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