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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Armani

  • Birthday 01/27/1989

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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Fiance, Video Games, School, Billiards, Poker, Working, and Studying.

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Jae Won Chung
  • Ingame Character Names
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Armani's Achievements


Hero (6/10)



  1. You know how old I'm talking.
  2. So who are the old people that still actually "play".
  3. Hey Drax. Hey Jay. Hey Apo.
  4. :(
  5. I know a lot of you may not know me. But I was wondering if I should come back to ForsakenRO. As to the ones that do, I've missed you all. :)
  6. I've been trying to get to the top of the ladder in the ELO. I haven't played for a long time but my fiance (Serena) has. So I'm going to be back in the competitive scene soon (I was able to get to 1539 just yesterday). So if anyone plays just hit me up :D
  7. Kind of old but lol it was fun doing it. Nearly the most recent on Serenas birthday :D Her new haircut (when the fuck did Highlights get so expensive? A Haircut, Shampoo, Dry, Massage, and Highlights costed me $260.00) Miss you guys a lot :D not sure if David still plays, he was the one I gave most of my gear too. Might come back in a few months to say hi.
  8. I'm just surprised that Jorge & Jorge (hehe funny I know right) are selling these items. I know it's not particularly a "donation exclusive" since you can buy it off of another player. I'm just surprised as to how OP these items are. I mean the original Elite items were strong already but these are just ridiculous. Anyway! To one to their own. Not hating on the items I'm just rather surprised so don't get all edgy with me :)
  9. Interesting... what happened to the "No Donation Exclusive Items" policy? These things look waaaaay to strong to be used in game.
  10. Wow I haven't played in months are these new items single handed?
  11. Armani

    Lebron James

    Yeah to bad that entire team did nothing but hold him back.
  12. That's ignorant. Did you actually get to know him before you decided to call him mean or ugly? The beating of girls is a definitive no-no in my opinion, probably many others as well. It still doesn't condone you for saying that. I hope you aren't one of those girls who just get googly eyed for a guy and pretty to sum it up "OMGAD HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT". :blink:
  13. I'm going to be the only person here to ask but. What's his side of the story of you two. Why did you reject him, and how?
  14. Armani

    Lebron James

    YEAH RIGHT. Kiss my ass Peter and David. YOU WISH. KG is getting fucking old. What're they gonna do when he's gone? Pierce, Rondo, and Allen cannot handle Wade, Bosh, and James.
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