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About Sushi~

Sushi~'s Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. How much does it cost for a Berzebub card
  2. Very original name >_>

  3. Sushi~

    WoE Ideas.

    If we can push the WOE time back to 2 hours or more it would be GREAT !!! ^^
  4. Sushi~

    B> Int belts

    PM me in game: Sushi Roll~ or jus leave offer and your ign and I will contact you. thx
  5. Hi, You still got those Int Belts for sell? PM: Sushi Roll~ in game please .. thanks
  6. This is weird O.O i seen ppl atk it too... but for me... once that MPV comes on my screen my client crashes !!
  7. Hi, When I go into the Forsaken Mining Dungeon, everytime i see the MVP Dragoon Dungeon Keeper my client crashes. Not sure if the GM's know about this but just letting them know so they can fix this. Sushi~
  8. how do we redeem these donation coupons? o.O :mellow:
  9. Hi, I heard that we would get a special gift from the GM if we donated due to the rollback? Is this true? and how do we get the item if it is true? :unsure:
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