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Everything posted by Ameri

  1. @ThePerfectHit Hi thank you :) I am not American though I am Canadian. I like seeing a mixture of different races it makes the game community more stable. Plus if you met the same Joe Blow everyday it would not be as interesting. @Veracity Thank you I will message you with some ideas, thank you for being so kind to me :) Makes me happy to see the staff here is really friendly. @Exe_Calibur Yeah that is me :) Thanking for helping the other day I really appreciate it! Thanks : D I hope to be able to build a positive community in the FRO community. I will share what you taught me with others :)
  2. Welcome to the Hex forums, Recruiting Sub Guild Masters, submit applications in thread or message to me. Our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hex-Guild/1441049602828403# This forum is under construction but I thought I would create it along with what I hope to achieve with you all with this guild thank you for stopping by. I created this guild to benefit all players and give them an enjoyable experience positive experience. Our mission is to create memories and better ourselves in RO, all tough players have to start somewhere. Everyday at 4:00 Pm Central time we have ET runs and MVP our save spot is @go 3 We intend to be able to do all events possible and create a guild that will be a family to us. A bit about myself: InGame: Lilim or for Hex 2.0 Aigis I have been playing RO since I was little. Ragnarok was not the first MMO I played. I have been playing MMOs since I was six learning the fastest way to grind but mostly having as much fun as possible goofing around. I am proud to say that this year will be my 8th year playing private servers. I joined this server recently when I first joined I was very frustrated I was having difficulties to be able to find what it is I need to be doing, now that I got through all of that I would like to provide that info with the new players of this server to make the game less frustrating and more fun. Rules for joining: Anyone ! I speak English only but anyone is welcomed to join. We are a team, please do not be rude to your team if there is an issue come to me and I will do my best to find a solution :) Please do not kill your other team mates You are welcomed to speak other languages but please do not do it often I only speak English, I can not help if I do not understand. Some helpful links for newbies: https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/faq/ https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/gearing-up/ https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/tokens-and-zeny/ https://forsaken-ro.net/getting-started/fcity/ http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=27 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=3 http://ratemyserver.net/ I look forward to making memories with you all, See you ingame.
  3. Ameri

    Looking For Guild

    Was sleeping at that time sorry was 6am for me lol.
  4. Hello, I am new to this server I have been play RO for ten years now and just joined here a week ago. I really enjoy it but I would enjoy it more with the company of a guild. I am looking for a guild that is an English, friendly, active, social, 18+ and preferably one that MVPs a lot. One that will show me the ropes, I am extremely loyal and once I learn how to properly play on this server I will be kicking some butt. I am not really interested in guilds that are immature, I do like to have fun but I want a positive influence in my gaming experience not one where the guildies talk smack to each other (jokingly is fine just not really interested in the whole she said he said thing). My ingame is: Lilim I play as a Sinx Thank you for your time and reading this, I love forward to making memories with you all.
  5. Hello, I turned in the first part for the legendary weapon quest at the Librarian it took the items but is saying it did not receive them. I no longer have them in my inventory and the quest will not let me move forward. Please help.
  6. Ameri


    HI, I am new to this server I joined it with my boyfriend. Just coming here to make new friends and have fun. Nice to meet all of you.
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