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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kuoch


  2. kuoch

    European Woe

    Then problem solved! It's the gunslinger, not euro WoE in general.
  3. kuoch

    European Woe

    It isn't laggy in the emp room, unless your pc isn't compatible. The only reason why we've been having the massive lags, is due to increase of gunslingers. Having them spam desperado is putting in to much damage calculations and frames which makes it lag. There was a command that lets you turn on the frames to makes things less laggy, but I don't remember what it was. Let alone, I don't know if it even works.
  4. She's a cutie. Just throw that out there.
  5. kuoch

    Pvp Rooms

    Sometimes when I die, I'd like to just lay there. So. :3 No, thanks.
  6. kuoch

    Woe Drops

    Educated read, Som.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRaKPS4SE00&feature=player_embedded
  8. Lol, feel free to ask then. I'll invite you.

  9. People say it's the bad memories that cause the most pain, but actually it's the good ones that drive you insane.

  10. Banned from xbox for a week, probably because I was harassing kids on there. GG.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJDQPcXF9lE
  12. kuoch

    What If.

    If I could combine both Hayley Williams and Taylor Swift into Jayme Dee, I'd be the happiest man in the universe.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8aMvEe7Kpo
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHHCzGeFMio&feature=player_embedded
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