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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by junie2

  1. i had the same problem. 1. copy "set-up.exe" 2. paste is outside the fRO folder. 3. configure "set-up.exe" ( other than the main .exe) 4. after configuring overwrite the previous "Set-up.exe" Try downloading another copy of set-up.exe from the internet if that doesnt solve your problem. try getting openset-up.exe. hope this helps. :)
  2. S> EOF. 1.2k
  3. 3.7k for green emp bc me ingame. ~ Junie ~
  4. SOLD. CLOSED. +++++++++++++++
  5. or. Trade to LK Blessed ring Set. thanks. Leave in-game name
  6. Trade Trade. BC me in-game You're Late thanks !
  7. well, you can start off by using a high wiz. do farm services, ask to join the farm guild,The Wall Street. I think they can be found at @go 3. or if you have 3 kiels, you may farm C.speed to supply guilds. :)
  8. junie2

    Full Pvp Type

    L. sinx blade doesnt stack with O crit.
  9. well, honestly speaking, OFFER has been the over used word here in fRO. On the other hand, why does people get mad when they sell things and asks the offer of the buyer. well, since the seller asked the offer of the buyer, he should bear in mind that no one really cant predict the economy of this game and that there is no fixed price for any of the items. so next time you ask offer to your buyer, dont get mad bruh. well, we cant blame people for offering too low for an item. maybe next time sellers should readily have they prices set before they sell their item. respect.
  10. can you do 3.4 bud?
  11. leave ign.
  12. trade to my prof cursed set. /gg
  13. Trade to WS Bless Full
  14. I mean WS bless set. :D
  15. Or Maybe trade to Full sinx Cursed set. :) /heh
  16. wahaha :3
  17. 7.2k toks. pure. :)
  18. hahahah NICE :D
  19. hmmm i think there is a guide here. and you should learn how to use the search button. :)
  20. hehe. As the title set. contains: Cursed ring[1] prof highness 2x urds earring Leave offer. imma check this from time to time I AM OFFERING FOR TRADE THO T> my Prof Full Cursed Set = Sinx Cursed Jack/Ring + Lokis [Clean or ifrits] + toks. :)
  21. lokis sold?
  22. ========= BUYING ========= Sinx Cursed Jacket 2x Loki's Seal With [Clean or With Ifrits] Thanks.
  23. still up? i wanna buy devi hat :)
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