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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by ExcuseMe

  1. leave pm or msg if how much thx paying pure toks
  2. with this stats? Str +20, Vit +40, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +50, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10% 5% chance to cast Pneuma 30% Reflect 2% chance to Full Divest a target when doing physical attacks Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% maybe just for trolling around xD
  3. i have also read those suggestions. But maybe like Ullrs you get damage reduction on certain skills Esma would be possible.
  4. noted thx sir
  5. I know the guardian ring have just been updated with this new stats [soul Linker of The Guardian] Str +20, Vit +40, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +50, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10% 5% chance to cast Pneuma 30% Reflect 2% chance to Full Divest a target when doing physical attacks Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% since we only got SL Highness staff i would like to suggest change 30% Reflect 2% chance to Full Divest a target when doing physical attacks to Enable the use of Esma on Pvp and add a little damage on atleast 20% additional damage to Esma Im just hoping for this coz G ring is kinda hard to make and the stats given dont fit. For me Curse Linker is kinda better than Guardian Stats.
  6. Good day just want to ask if there is a new patch that i to download. I just noticed that the kaite skilll on Pally dragonist armor is missing. Thx
  7. T> WS B set /w mforger + 500 = gs g set
  8. yes its right ullrs have low damage on bowling but have an increased damage on brandish. As what i have tested before it can even spam w/o using kiel and aside from that its an aoe skill. My point is since spiral is a single target just increase its damage a bit.
  9. tignan mo sa task manager baka may program na bawal or conflict sa gepard kaya nag close
  10. i think it is needed to upgrade spiral pierce. From the fact that ullrs can spam w/o kiel if you use amad will have greater damage and its even aoe and can use vital strike also can switch to spiral pierce if ever needed without any damage reduction. Since Spiral pierce is a single target sacrificing the aoe it should have more damage than ullrs. Spiral pierce for now is only used to distract not inflict heavy damage. For me i would rather lower the damage of aoe skill and improve the single target. Spiral pierce can do 40-50k damage at most while ullrs can atleast deal 70-90k damage and its still spammable especially on woe. ullrs can also deal 40-50k damage with spear boom making it way too OP and with someone who have LK c ring ullrs can also do a quite a decent damage with spiral pierce. It is a fact that is ullrs is a bit OP compared to bowling bash and spiral pierce.. so i suggest to make it a little even lower the damage of those aoe skills and increase the damage of single target even with consequence of sacrificing its weight for having a good damage would still be a good deal.
  11. Looking for cheap priest g ring pm me
  12. i am just curious on how to make them is it like the curse ring quest? i have tried searchin for guide but failed. i saw a description it says "NEW! Once you've obtained two of the swords, you can talk to Tyr to forge an incredibly rare combination of two of the upgraded storyline swords." can someone please enlighten me?
  13. how much odex + o lokis?
  14. Good day i made this topic hoping that the Lord Knight Curse set will be buffed up even just a little coz as of now it seemed no one ever wants to play this job. Since LK Cursed Ring improves Spiral Pierce so i would like to suggest this. Set Info: Lord Knight Cursed Ring:Walking speed +15%Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5%Reduce Vit def by 10%HP +10%SP +10%Str +20Vit +20Attack +15%Increase Damage done with Spiral Pierce by 10% Lord Knight Black Halberd: Str + 15, Dex + 20, Vit + 10, SP + 250, Max HP + 15%,Increase Damage done to Demi Humans by 15%,Reduces all skill’s after-cast delay by 10%,Increase damage with Spiral Pierce by 125%Decrease damage with Brandish Spear by 50%Unbreakable. attack: 600 weight: 200 Skill Info: Extend your spear, and spin it in a spiral fashion to increase overall damage and ability to pierce. A more powerful version of Pierce which ignores DEF and VIT DEF and also stun-locks your opponent for 3 sec.Damage is (100+50*SkillLV)% ATK. The attack is 5 hits with the damage divided evenly between the hits. However you can increase damage further by increasing the weight of your weapon (upgrades count too! LV 1 weapons +10/upgrade, LV 2 weapons +15/upgrade, LV 3 weapons +25/upgrade).Although damage will increase with better skill level, so will the Cast Time / Cool Down. Requires One-handed or Two-handed Sword, also works with Spears. Aura Blade does not add damage to this skill. Recent tests revealed the following (rather complex) formula:[(80% of weapons weight times (100%+level*50%) + (round.down(STR/10^2) + Upgrade Damage) * size modifier (small 125%, medium 100%, large 75%)) * card factors (+20% and such) * element factors ]* 5 hits Base on the info above cursed ring gives 10% increase damage to spiral and halberd increases 125% damage to spiral. But still even with this the damage is quite low can only damage 30k even to semi - geared players. So i was hoping if ever the Curse Ring might get a buff increasing the chance of stun locking the enemy when using spiral pierce by a small percent. While decreasing the Spiral pierce damage on the halberd but in return increasing the weight of the spear since shown above the higher the weight of the spear is the higher the damage can be dealt. Since a knight have a large hp pool and can carry 600 seeds and some other supply it has a really great advantage in terms of livability in battle. So decreasing its supply in exchange with a higher damage output i think it would be great in pvp. This is just my rough idea so i am open to all your criticism, comments and suggestion to improve my topic. THx for reading ^_^
  15. Ring + freys = 2k if you want
  16. nice welcome.. If you need something try to pm MukhangGago he is rich maybe he can help you out :)
  17. welcome back bro.. whats your old ingame name btw?
  18. ExcuseMe

    B> Kitty claw

    just trying my luck here maybe some old players will sell.. kinda not worth to invest something which is not tested yet
  19. ExcuseMe

    B> Kitty claw

    up still searchin
  20. ExcuseMe

    B> Kitty claw

    update for this price still negotiable message me here
  21. ExcuseMe

    B> O dex

    B> O dex message me her or pm me ingame Lazy`Ritz
  22. are you selling your o dex bro?
  23. still ullrs brandish type problem is knockback but in woe its really good
  24. ExcuseMe

    B> Freys bLade

    i am looking for a freys blade pm me in game and your price Ingame name: Lazy`Ritz
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