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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. I'm sure you guys are familiar with "Punching Bag" right? well, my suggestion goes to something like that. A npc/monster = "Punching Bag" FOR WHAT? = to test your damage.. alot of people really wanna try lots of cards. experimenting something is really fun and exciting and i'm really sure will come in handy. *how will the system works*? well,every "HIT" you make to that npc/monster will record the damage you made to him. FOR EXAMPLE: when using champ like doing "Asura" normally it will pop out the dmg maximum to 999,999 limit without even knowing how much dmg you really made and it doesn't even end up in 999,999 damage? well with this kind of "Punching Bag NPC/MONSTER you will know/test the exact damage you made. there's more!! you can actually "CHOOSE" the "TYPE" of monster "PROPERTY/ELEMENT" you wanna choose in the NPC!!! SO WHAT WILL IT BE GUYS!??!? I GIVE THIS 9/10 ^______________________^
  2. i really feel bad for you :P, but lets just hope that they gm will help you on this. why not go to shout box?instead of posting
  3. i need an accurate time for it T______________T somebody?
  4. thanks for the info guys ^^
  5. can i ask for the time respawn for customized bosses? cuz i really feel like it's random or maybe i just don't know. customize boss: skoll,warlord etc. thx ^^
  6. does putting 4 same cards works on weapon?like it's effect dmg etc. or to any 3 same cards like 3 kiel card? anyone? i'm new thx in advance for those would who answer ^^
  7. still nothing.... can you check this out please if i'm doing right? have anyone experience the same problem me before? can this be solve? omgosh i just wanna play.... many house has pass now...
  8. NICE a fast reply! but wait i don't truely understand. i'll open the setup and the .exe compatibility mode i don't know where to find that >________< HELP SHINO PLIX!!
  9. I can't log in back to forsakenRO due to small size of screen in the game: PLEASE HELP ME ASAP! i wanna play back whats the solution for this. this is just too rediculous nothing have changed and everything is back to normal setup but i still got this
  10. I can't log in to forsaken due to very small size screen: all i did was to change my screen size in "SETUP" and i turn it back all to normal STILL NOTHING!!. i even deleted my forsakenRO and all and copied the original back to my folder still this? please please please i wanna go back and play
  11. well, i'm really not sure why the system for dropped items will be delete so fast.. that you have to worry about not dropping a single item on the ground cuz you are scared that it will be deleted and not to mention accidents happens.... i wouldn't suggest this if it wouldn't make any sense but. should it be better if the dropped loot would stay longer in the field than be deleted in an instant? (pls do not say that important items can't be dropped bcuz yes! i know... i'm talking about important loot quest/cards/etc than can be "dropped") IMPORTANT EXAMPLES: on why the auto deleted dropped items should be "CHANGED" there are too many commands for skills/warping map/autolooting/bm and etc, just saying in that kind of situation where you are "HUNTING BOSS" and oppss you killed the boss yet you got freezed by bot detecting system and you had to type the word to be unlocked "not to mention you have to double enter for your /bm to work AND it just happens that you just killed the boss wow and "puff" you miss the chance to pick up the good loots from the boss dropped cuz it was deleted. i'm not saying that it happens always to me but the point is "it happens" and the poor hunted boss loots were gone. i'm not gonna stop with that example but there is another one and this one is when your dropping or selling non useful loots and it just happend that you accidently throw your important/expensive loot and puff it was gone again cuz of the auto deleted system loots. i really don't wanna expect a reply with like you have to be careful next time or tips. ugh no,... the point is nothing will be gone if you just add atleast more time to that "dropped items to not be deleted so fast" and the outcome of this suggestion will make people "not worry about accidently dropped an important items or due to many commands you forgot to /autoloot while hunting boss and poor you the loots are already gone... P.S. before i posted this, know that i woke up just to hunt a long respawnding boss and it just happend that i was in a hurry to kill the boss so no one would take it from me all those worries and commands i have to get ready before killing the boss. then i found the boss i was so happy but then i got "gravity error logged out" i logged in back in a hurry to kill the boss and "poop" i killed the boss and i forgot to autoloot it again... well how did it happen? when your in a hurry to find and kill the boss and you were ready to set all your commands autoloot/bm and stuff after that "gravity error" when you logged out all those commands will be GONE :D so please i hope people will understand my concern... again this is not just for me but i'm speaking behalf of the people who really wanna change this... (all for the better for the server) ty ^^
  12. turned down a very useful command bcuz of botters/cheaters wow.... lol.... can we atleast have a notification alert? for example for every post thread you posted. IF someone replied to any of your post you will know through a small icon notification that someone replied to your posted thread and you can click on it. to go directly to your thread. it's so useful bcuz in this way i don't have to search for my posted thread all the way and see it for myself if someone replied. =/
  13. GEHEE! people who are using bots are just wasting their time ;) they will never enjoy the game like true pro players do "means true hard work" passion in short. let them be they will just get bored and quit. like they say you will never appreciate things from nothing. I'm suggesting this for the people who truely loves forsakenRO and people who are supporting this GEHEE! yes, i know that style too but i'm not sure if theres a way to auto put the direct amount of stats you want to implement but my point is it's really tiring by clicking the points stat all day. but ty ^^
  14. yup :D the server and the forum is active but i'm hoping they active in implementing good suggestions :D
  15. THX!!! HEHEHE
  16. Is there any icon/bar to press here to see my "all post threads?" or just to know if someone REPLIED to any of my post threads (like a message in facebook or like notification notifications) A little help would be appreciated ^_^
  17. I'm sure everyone will be excited in having this command. With everyone's support i'm sure we can have this kind of command. @autolootstorage command exist on other servers and it's really really useful ESPECIALLY on farming and doing quest. (what it does is autoloots the loots you wanted to be looted even with 100percent autoloot depending on your choice *GOING DIRECTLY TO YOUR @STORAGE*) we all know that not all characters are base on STR right? so not all can carry lots of loots and its kinda troublesome to always (open up your @storage while fighting mobs at the same time or getting pked LOL while opening your storage ETC) HEHE ^________^ P.S. THE MORE GOOD SUGGESTIONS THE BETTER AND LOVELY THE SERVER IS!! :D
  18. Spitfire


    i got my question and ya better put it on suggestion :D thx ^^
  19. Spitfire


    is there any command for @autlooting that directly goes into the @storage? in some server there are... i'm asking if it has here in this server that would be so USEFUL!! does anyone knows how? P.S. if this server doesn't have that kind of command i strongly suggest to put it ^^ IT WOULD REALLY IMPROVE THE SERVER MORE BETTER ^_^ (VERY USEFUL)
  20. HAHAHAHAHA, the map is so big where you hunt "wootan shooter" not to mention there are only 10 of them and slow respawn. GOODLUCK GUYS XD
  21. Name: Firage in the game, i only started playing 3 days ago and so far my experience to this server IS PRETTY AWESOME. I've been inmany different TOP 5 RAGNAROK SERVERS and let me tell you what, this server ROCKS!!! PK/DONATION TRADABLE/VOTING SYSTEM/QUESTITEMS man almost everything is PERFECT in this server, i will never get bored of this. I'm really looking for a GUILD!! as a new comer a GUILD/COMPANIONS is the best way to enjoy and know the game. ADVENTURE ^_^ Please do pm me Firage P.S. i'm always at GO 5 RoK On!!
  22. Same goes here, i'm new and i'm really looking for good companions/supportive/active/boss hunt all kinds of adventure that you can do in RO ^^
  23. Ok, first of all i just wanted to say i'm doing this post cuz i love forsakenRO always voting/supporting The problem in this server that really makes it a downfall is when you get HIT by any mobs LOW/HIGH monsters you will get stuck for 5/10 SECONDS I really wanted to make a "video example of it but PLEASE!! understand that i'm not saying this cuz i'm having "lag" and i'm not saying this about any slow internet connection. (my net is good and my computer is good this is about the "game setting itself") i really want you guys to TRY it for yourself. go to any low level monsters. like for example @warp treasure02 try to move around and when you get HIT even ONCE you will get stuck for like 5 to 10 seconds. 10 maybe exagerating BUT IT HAPPENS. it shouldn't be this way, especially when our level is 255/255 and WE don't even have to base on level but its really BAD if you will get stuck when HIT especially by a low monster. (NOT SURE IF IT'S A BUG BUT YOU WILL SERIOUSLY GET STUCK LIKE PRESSING MOUSE CLICK OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND U CAN'T MOVE) PLEASE NOTE: that i'm not talking about when u just get hit and stuck for awhile like MILLISECONDS NO! that's not it. i'm sure some of the "players" experience this. i'm talking about LITERALLY stops you for THAT LONG TIME. it's really annoying when you do quest/hunting/adventuring and it's bad cuz the game is almost PERFECT. P.S. forsakenRO RoK On!!
  24. Can you tell me where is that dye making NPC? :P thx
  25. i really don't know if i should take that as a good news or bad. simply bcuz i really don't understand or i just can't accept it. =/ i'm now having a vacation in the Philippines means i'm in this country now. i really really don't have any problem with other online games even with 3D high graphic games. i don't know what is bad hops? and you said something about ping is rather high to be one of the fastest? so my forsakenRO is fast? @_@ i appreciate the help
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