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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Eregon

  1. Eregon

    Omg Guize

    Future cat lady?
  2. She acts nothing like a scene kid. Thinking a pink teddy is cute, makes you scene these days? I'm both shocked and appalled. Oh noes.
  3. http://bieo.mybrute.com Made one.
  4. Gamertag: Rutory
  5. ;o Ahm...Could add uhm...something to do with FFIX? Or uhm...Professor'z ;o
  6. Maow!? Why are we meowing? :o

  7. Yus! That is mah fancy mustache :D
  8. I'm a lumberjack >.o Ignore the shirtlessness, it's hot in mah room D:
  9. Eregon


    You forgot the fact that while he does all that, he roundhouse kicks every bad guy and creates a new universe...With each kick.
  10. Oh I'm awesome. I have the biggest name army!! Black Pirranha ftw.
  11. Eregon


    I don't touch my keyboard to play. I stare at the keys and they know what to do. Chuck Norris still > Me though QQ
  12. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=8756
  13. Not related but Kusanagi, you have a typo in your sig. "Alright The quick guild for everything v02 is up and running T_T" guild should be guide .____. Just wanted to let you know D:
  14. Eregon


    So basically you fap when he's online. Gotcha. ^_^
  15. Is it true life as we know it will end in 2012? And if so, what should we do to make the best use of our time before then?
  16. I've been in two LDR. Both of them involving girls of another country and both lasting longer than a year. First one ended because we never had a chance to meet each other, and so the distance became too much for her to bear. The second one I'm still currently involved in. We see each other every Christmas, spring break and summer. Doing great so far. It's a lot of pain, a lot of sacrifice. Love brings about the sharpest pain and deepest joy. It's part of what Love is. If you're truly in love, you will always be willing to make the sacrifice to hold onto your partner, no matter how much it may hurt. For if you truly love, you know that the happiness brought around by love is greater than any pain you could ever feel. My two cents.
  17. My abs > your abs! >;O!
  18. Tons. Several tons.
  19. Divide by zero. There's a problem.
  20. Whut? o.O
  21. Aww mang, I dun see the coo recent prof in pvp, named Bieo. Dayum. That guy pwns. Lol. <3
  22. Kills person above me with repeated rape by 18in dildos in the arse and forced watching of Yaoi for 20 years. No breaks.
  23. Eregon

    Emy's Gallery

    Poor kid lol
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