I can't log in. I update everytnig, I was playing it yesterday but now i can't/sob. Help. After I type password then : Failed connecy to the server. My connection is ok <_<
Zaq is my real neighbour and hes intelligent :) GZ for your discovering Coma usage and how miss AD. Maybe you will be in future Indiana Jones ? U will discover sth ancient /heh
Gigla shut up ... i have never asked gms for more than i had. When i was receiving eq after roll back GM gave pally box, but before roll back i didnt have pally weps. I told them about it but Gm said " u could take it" I received some eq form zaq. I have never donated, i was hunting mvps a lot only hard working.
Madox By the wasy the best pally was is and will be Infamous then Assault.