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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Adamxd

  1. Adamxd

    B>f armor

    B>f armor +10[85] +0[91] pm me Madox
  2. lol go and buy in shop @warp fcity_29 174
  3. Adamxd

    B>f pieces

    B>f armor+10 [80] +0[85] ,f cloak, shoes prices like armors. S>nyh[90] or trade to one of f piece. Madox
  4. healer
  5. and only don qp u accept some event like 1:1.5 come healer lets talk ingame
  6. +10 so expensive? 5qp discount for +10 so 340;[]
  7. i take f set without shield how much
  8. pm me i sell you for 30. Madox
  9. Adamxd

    Request ;]

    ANybody can lend me f set? Or i can buy it by paying instalmets ? I mean let say...hmm 40qp every 2 weeks or sth. Thanks for attetion. BTW>S>nyh,sun dragon aura,garm,gr,2x hollow,2x LOD<2xSK,champ elite armor, wild rose hat. T>43 event to 75 don qp.
  10. Adamxd

    Request ;]

    In assorted more people read it than in market.
  11. Adamxd

    Request ;]

    the main topic is request not marketing.
  12. Adamxd

    Request ;]

    ANybody can lend me f set? Or i can buy it by paying instalmets ? I mean let say...hmm 40qp every 2 weeks or sth. Thanks for attetion. BTW>S>nyh,sun dragon aura,garm,gr,2x hollow,2x LOD<2xSK,champ elite armor, wild rose hat. T>43 event to 75 don qp.
  13. Adamxd

    a lot of

    S>3x Fbh [35]each 3xtao [35]each 2xol [30]each 2xkiel[40]each 3xLOd [15]each 3xsk[15]each 4xtg [20]each ws [45]each 2x hollow [15]each tanee [35]each 3xGr[5]each dragon warlord [10] wild rose hat [15] nyh+0 [110] f king shield [75] champ sets[40] +etra armors for 10 extra qp elite champ mace [20] night aura sun aura with maya p 40 each gtb [30] maya 15 mix a belt 85 strong shield 5 2x skoll [15]each devilings wings+10 [60] garm [8] 200 speed pots [2] 70 ygg tix [30] incant [25] pm me in GAME Madox
  14. Adamxd

    B.champs items

    B>champ elite armors i need 4 i pay for each 27qp! and elite knuckles pm me -=GladiatoR=-
  15. Adamxd

    [ SOTW ] Voting!

    TONY WINS my vote becuz this bitch on the right is HOT <:< btw I can see that he used many colours, he had to work hard, its really nice.
  16. Adamxd


    LOL 1. I'm not able to kill anyone. 2. I don't know how to play. 3. Smooth Co-leaders Skylite. Zack Fair ShadowzCross all of them are mine enemies. And u invited me, despite your rules.
  17. Hmm I won with smooth and light. survival lms. I had only 2 berys left at the end cuz i tanked thanas. When we stayed alive at the end Gm said he doesnt like 3 winners, and if there are 3 winners prize is: only 5 qp :2 winners 10qp and: 1 winner 15qp. He asked if we agree to continue waves. I said no cuz, im out of berrys and i already won this event. BTW smooth and this priest said yes cuz they were cooperating and smooth has got many berrys left, and he made new waves and I died. THAT"S LAME GM OATH! Couldn't he give my prize? If I didnt agree to continue it shouldn't have been continued. Im really disappointed, im angry i didnt get prize cuz GM DOESNT LIKE 3 WINNERS WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BTW[smooth behaved like a w***e Apologize to OATh for swearing and offending, hurting your feeling etc.
  18. B>fbh, lk 1 handed spear . Pm me in game Madox or Fiutek <---[my wizz] Hunting yggs for order. 2:1 if u take eg more than 50 tix every another qp u will get 1 more tix, so in simply way its increasing into 3:1 Every oder im gonna make as quickly as possible [ school and so on]
  19. Im not, I just wanna trade it, and start again. Pally vs. WS = Pally owned
  20. T> my whole account for? I mean all items, cards, chars Im giving you password, login and e-mail. I'ma do it cuz im quite boring. Items: F king helm,4 f armor,2x f shoes,2x f cloak, f shield,strong shield,pally elite spear sword,ice pick,moon sun aura, wings, mix a belt, vit belt, red sunglasses, ifrit rings, 500+ fcp bottles. Cards: 4x tao,3xol,fbh,2x kiel,gr,ws,sk,valk rand,3x tg,2x skoll,2x devilings, gtb,dragon warlord,lk,angeling. Madox has got many friends, it's good char.
  21. Adamxd

    1x1 Event.

    Alright, it's time to kick your asses. ;] I'll pm you. xxXXXxxMADOXxxXXXxx:)
  22. He has won championships 4 times. Colour of my eyes is like colour of BEER, it's kind of brown. If you couldn't recognise colour of my eyes from picture you should rather go to the doctor. SMile
  23. In poland having biiiiggggggg muscles is not popular, rather girls don't like it cuz now popular is SLIM figure like me LOL;]]]]]] That's true. VAPorUB my eyes are hmmm like Hell, I thought You hate me, cuz I'm sexist O.o LOOK at Our CHAMPION, the strongest man in whole world MARIUSZ PUDZIANOWSKI, he looks like monster or big wardrobe
  24. what's the competition? whta's going on? i'm not very often online on the forum;]
  25. HUNAGORING F1 GP 2008 MADOX HERE:) 17 years old, student Location Poland, Szczecin
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