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About calvinckm

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  1. The rules state in the forum itself.I was fitting in as some of us possible does not compile as accordingly to some of the subsection with some poor word selection. Multi definition term tend to misleading or missuses by other, i am just state the grey area of the rules and using it as a complain. Or you might refer me as a misunderstand about you expression you as some people had poor choice of term as reply. But good choice of word as i can't find any multi definition term where i can explore as grey spot. Hmm i am not dodging you mate, just that i does not admit or deny i am mention you as in my comment. So pls do prove that my comment referring to you as in person. Having part of the sentence is can't hard do any prove as "I pity you" might be an example that i need to enhance my point only. BOTH of for 1 thing i am sure PLS do reply cause i am here to discuss :th_ok: :th_ok:
  2. :th_ok: :th_ok: Just love the way of how problem work solving 1 will create a new one. BUT token be a good start to solve zeny issue now in the game.
  3. Srrly i did not mention you on my comment. I don't not deny or admit any of my comment is pointing toward you sir Holy Priest because i did not really stated or mention any name there. So if you wan to point you finger against me, PLS do prove that my word or term is some how referring to you as in my comment. :th_e14: :th_e14: Spitfire, on 28 Jun 2014 - 6:56 PM, said: This is part of the comment, which lead me no way of judge as i can't see the whole picture nor the original tread. So PLS do reference me to the original tread, so we can discuss more on this :th_ok: :th_ok: . NO only him should be aware, judging other base on self perception. BUT like i said this is a free forum, we need people to stand up to speck up, so there is no right or wrong as this is a friendly discussion.
  4. Last 2 week ago there was one German Player BC looking for German player in FRO :th_ok: :th_ok: Hmm but i dun remember his name
  5. 1. First of all, no one care. 2. Second, price is an agreement between the buyer and seller so OP or not this does not made any different. This is a great idea since i don't get a chance to hunt it, i put a yes for you suggestion mate :th_ok:
  6. :th_e27: :th_e27: srrly this is just only a discussion. Some how grammar teacher or i should say format standard master pop out of no way. 1. First to comment about the suggestion and providing own opinion is ok, this is a free forum 2. But there is a catch here, PLS do understand we had the same equal right to speck and comment. 3. This which lead us to third, you don't really have the right to comment or correct others format of writing(THIS IS AN ADMIN WORK). 4. And last part is PLS do get the AUTHORIZATION if you wan to perform any admin job thanks you (PLS DO GET AUTHORIZATION FROM ADMIN). With respect PLS be reminder all forum user need to obey the forum rules<-- Harassment The harassment of or personal attacks on other players is forbidden. This includes the discussion and/or distribution of any personal or private information or pictures as well as slandering/defaming/spreading rumors about another player. Repeatedly targeting a specific player or persons will lead to more severe punishment. :th_ok: :th_ok: Some of you are starting to using word like If you still don't, I pity you :th_e20: . Which directly trying to redirect the focus of user toward someone.Which what i think is improper and not so friendly in sense of word selection as a comment. IP Limitation should be done as you said, i can observe time to time during the weekend same person coming in and out of thana room which give other no chance to try inside.
  7. :th_e27: :th_e27: you haven update the dialog for the npc in mvp room
  8. Its is like share market mate, demand and supply. But new player will leave due to the lagness of the server currently had :th_swt: :th_swt: Its is so lag since forever
  9. +1 13 is too dark so dark and pink, 15 is mush more eye friendly
  10. My ping is more than 300... :th_e32: does this mean bad?
  11. Other than skype is it possible to have other than this as Gm communication channel like whatapps or wechat or some other chatting apps
  12. Dear Gm or editor pls do include the item id so that we can proper collect the correct item
  13. Why that i kill the boss a few time but nothing drop? :th_e33:
  14. Can i join?
  15. Anyone guild recruiting new member?
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