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Everything posted by Blackeye

  1. One Piece is good too :blush: :P
  2. Blackeye


    Bye, Lol..
  3. Blackeye


    Welcome to ForsakenRo. I hope, you enjoy the server :)
  4. Ah damn i forgot.. some gm move the topic ><
  5. My Best friend is Tamahome!! :blush:
  6. Blackeye

    WoE Ideas.

    I don't like go Woe because im tired of prontera.. It would be cool if every woe the castles are random or something for example: Today's woe its in payon and tomorrows woe in geffen.. something like that.. :blush:
  7. Blackeye

    Favourite Event

    Mine is LMS :rolleyes:
  8. MetaKnight /ok
  9. I think that you just want to sinx get nerf bcuz u cant beat them but when i take my clown i can kill every SinX i see.. Maybe u cant kill em bcuz you are a noob lol. :rolleyes:
  10. I think it would be better if each WoE change the map.. for example todays woe will be in prontera saturday woe will be in payon and etc.. but just with one castle on to take.. im tired of prontera /swt
  11. See ya.! :unsure:
  12. Good story, i was going to cry /sob
  13. I don't understand this topic. :blink:
  14. Good video :P she will fall in love with u :P
  15. My Vote is : no
  16. Blackeye


    yes u have to download the lastest sakray and kro :P
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