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About glennexfordz

  • Birthday 02/19/1992

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    Forsaken RO

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. you must keep on killing the keeper untill it drop bravery badge. its 50% drop rate you do not need to give. the requirements again. you just have to talk to the king and enter the room. kill the keeper. untill it drop bravery badge. it respawn 1hr.
  2. cool. Imma buy some coloredLHZ ^^
  3. Make ND rings, Self farm, ask for friends for free raid, sell ND ring 700-800 if ur buying requirements max income 400-500.
  4. IGN: »- Conwell -»
  5. Does anyone Interested on buying my gold emp leave price ty

  6. better use 3 kiels work every time 90percent casting delay.
  7. Tnx Makai for selling the Gold emp to me.

  8. no. its impossible to undo the quest. that's y frig told you to "chose carefully" when you are choosing the elite and king frigs shield. But anywey you can do another quest again from the start with another set of items and quest items
  9. sorry to ask guys but what is ventrillo? and what does it do?
  10. Beginning a raiding sniper Vote forsaken set+ vote forsaken helm or Ship captains hat Cards to be equip: 3 vote forsaken armor[2] "(2 Gloom), (2 Ktullanux), (Gr + tao)" Or (1 Gloom 1Ktullanux) if cant afford yet vote forsaken boots[2] (2 Gec) or (2 matyr) or (2 green ferus) Choose which soothes you Ship captains hat[1] (kiel D-01) or Vote forsaken helm[2] (2 kiel) 2 Vote forsaken cloak (2 Rydric) and (2 Pouring) L.balloon[1] (1 kiel) L.lhz[1], L.zod[1], any aura will do (1 Kiel) L.sniper bow[4] (2 TG + 2 The Paper) L.sniper bow[4] (4 LOD) Shield[1] (GTB) 2 Bow thimble[1] each with Ifrit All L.arrows except oridecon arrow ​Stats: Dex= 260 (why? beacause you need to at least distribute some stat points to str to carry more seeds and vit to sustain long in raids) Agi= ?? (Untill you reach 195 aspd) Str= 100-120 (To carry more seeds) Int= 100 (To spam more FAS) Luk= ?? (Untill 100-101 crit rate "Why? because Focused arrow strike needs critical to make your damage stable and to by pass monster armor) Vit= ?? (All extra stat points put it in vit) Goh Note: Wear Double abbys armor 1st wave: (Necromacer and Evil Druid= Imma), (Gallion= Water) 2nd wave: (Injustice= Imma), (Majorous= Water), (Phendark= Wind) 3rd wave: (Mistress of Shelter= Shadow), (Baroness of Retribution= Holy), (LOD= Imma) 4th wave: (Grimlin= Holy), (Hodremlin= Imma) 5th wave: (Wraith= Holy), (Wraith Dead= Imma) ​Note: Wear Ghost high-risk armor on 6th wave 6th wave: (Nightmare= Water), (Banshe= Earth)​Note: Wear Double abbys armor on 7th wave 7th wave:(Skogul= Earth), (Frus= Water), (Garm= Imma)Note: Use Quadruple Crucial L.bow on 8th wave 8th wave: (Maero of thanatos= Imma), (Chimera= Fire), (Kades= Imma)​Sunken eagirs 1st wave: Always use Imma on this wave 2nd wave: (Red Coelacanth= Double Jack Frost+ Water), (Grey Coelacant= Double Abbys+ Imma) 3rd wave: (King dramoh= Imma), (kraken leg= Earth) 4th wave: (Kraken= Quadruple Crucial L.bow+ Imma) Submerge eagirs 1st wave: Use mostly Imma except on pot like monster use waterNote: Wear Ghost highrisk armor on 2nd wave 2nd wave: (Octopus= Water) 3rd wave: (Eagirs Guardian= Imma), (Tentacles= Earth) 4th wave: Imma ​I'm not a Pro but this can help you begin a raiding sniper at least wearing non donated stuff with a proper cards, equip and stats. You do not need donated items to be a raider, believe me i started raiding using forsaken knight set but with the proper cards and stats ^^ Hope we meet in raids Just leave a post/comments if u have a question. or PM me if u need a guide on full donate raider ING: »- Conwell -»
  11. No more lag guys :th_ok:
  12. I can log in but i cant move in game :th_e8:
  13. Tara BB tau in game.
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