Hey, so here is a vague suggestion, wondering if the community has any input on what if any it should be.
I've played this server for years, and it's always been a pretty well balanced server, e.g. not needing to donate to get top gear.
Now it's alot more difficult to stand a chance, with rings, valks, etc, which is fine, if there was a reasonable way to get tokens.
And i'm a bit on the fence with it myself.
So i'm leaving it up to the community to decide if there should be an easier way to farm.
Nowadays farmers need almost 2x as many berries/seeds to get one token, compared to the golden days. It makes it near impossible.
This server is based on Buy/Sell tactic atm, which isn't a good system, and drives prices of items up and down erratically.
A few of my own suggestions are: Make a seed room pass, the profit per hour in the seedroom is terrible, considering some people only buy seeds 6:1, taking out the 3 tokens it cost to access for one hour makes profit terrible, and thats with 3 kiels, and decent gear.
This is how it is with nearly any farmable item. Perhaps a zeny farming room would be cool, and easy to implement.
I mostly want to hear other suggestions if you guys agree with it. I think it's sad that new members cannot get geared, and they feel hopeless, which alot do.
This would also stop alot of begging, which we all know is very annoying.