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About krizdenz

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Novice (1/10)



  1. no guide how to become super baby in a first place..does that super baby thing come out of nowhere and pop out in your character selection screen?im such a nood..but everybody starts like me right?
  2. i have activated my taekwon mission and it says kill vadon but i killed dozens of vadon and i noticed that the percentage is not moving from zero....! why? i can't move on...
  3. oh thanks..i will gather more zennies to gain entry..cause TG is extinct in the wild... T_T
  4. hi..have you been to mvp area probably yes..its my first time to summon turtle general in mvp room and kill it.. there is no item at all... its says im the mvp..i have check the autoloot and it is not working..i summon again and i get same result.. how can i get the card if this turtle general dont want to give me anything..
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