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About syllo009

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  • Real Name
    Yu Chen
  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    Jenova Project

syllo009's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. We do! Will be more than glad to help you in the guild :)
  2. It would be a waste of slot in my opinion. Because with custom equips, your stats would be quite high, add a little more, you will get 195aspd
  3. No specific server in particular. Any server would do as long as it's very lively like in fRO
  4. The more the merrier!
  5. I would love to join with my pally. But I have a little knowledge on WoE and of course, dont have good equips. But I'll be willing to get basic pally equips and hopefully guide of how to be a good pally for this purpose
  6. syllo009


    It's here -> https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/ After you donate, the item will be arranged by the Admin and they will put in your account's storage
  7. Sorry to correct you but is the memory book without slot. Don't buy from vendors.
  8. Didnt know those eqs since I'm still new, but I'm going to choose infernal cape Camel or zebra?
  9. True that, who dont like cuddles TPBM likes cheese :)
  10. The normal fRO tokens are the currency of fRO, to trade for goods with players. However, those event, pvp, gvg tokens & such can be use in the Token Trader room. It's at the left side of Forsaken City
  11. Yea, like they said, not tradeable unless within the account itself. If you need tradable equipments that have the effects somehow like those in vote, you can either make them through quests or buy from players
  12. Try to check Mob DB in ForsakenRO Control Panel. If not, check the ID for the fire armor using @whodrops, then see what is the name of the mob
  13. I mean that all the items I vend are in whole numbers (I dont know how to put it). For instance, 2,000,000 , 5,000,000 and such. But, after the items are sold, the zeny in my vendor is like 16,029,097. Doesn't make sense.
  14. Spongebob Squarepants Facebook or Instagram?
  15. False, you can see from my number of posts. TPBM has always whine and never do anything useful XD
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