i think u dont know the mvp's,
whats about phreeoni, sk, inca, hollowring, orc lord, lord of death, rsx, amon ra, maya and mini mvps like ghostring, deviling, maya P. mvp's u can kill without that an camper appears cause he leaves an hidden chara 24/7 on another account (like TG, FBH, Detale, Kiel) and stalk the players
when u know the time of an mvp its easy to kill them doesnt matter if u are an noob or not, i started with nothing on this server and got my mvp's
the noobs just think they can start with mvps like tg, kiel, tao and fbh and make the big money in one day thats their fault
btw i lost gtb today to the campers cause i dont know the time, great job