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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Clasian

  1. I think we should consider that there should be some type of penalty when an Assassin Cross dual wields a weapon (not Katars). -.-OMFG NO WAY MAN!-.- Well it has got to happen some day. Or somehow that SinX's get toned down a little. ie. reduces damage % by a set amount, reduces W.Atk However at the same time still more beneficial than using a single dagger. So what I'm implying is to tone down the damage capabilities by a notch, at the same time still doing more damage/efficient (interms of damage)than single dagger/weapon. Other examples: Disabling D.Atk or reduced level of D.Atk

  3. Z.z even +1 Stat point will have an impact for those that want the BEST gears possible. definitely leave it as it is or add Movespeed.
  4. Clasian


    I got it on PC and SteamID: Kchow123
  5. No Ygg=No Champs. What do you want us to do. Spam White pots now? Mastela Berries? Royal Jelly or w/e? Rofl No Ygg then sinxs with dbl daggers, or any ranged class come and pew pew all over you...This server, rates have made it so YGGs are almost a necessity if it isn't already.
  6. Clasian

    Pvp Time

    So every time PvP ladder resets...people jam into the PvP room and dish it out. 3-4 Days later. I look at the NPC it tells me 0 players. So that makes me go: WTF. Perhaps to make it more popular maybe add an incentive of players getting logged for time spent in PvP room? Rewarded to some degree maybe? Maybe not just the time, something else that would get people to go to PvP room to have some fun. I mean 300-400 Players Peaks, where the hell can they possibly be? Problems: Safety Wall-Disable that please. PvP is meant for fighting not hanging out. Auto Kick-Doesn't engage for a time period. Anymore? Comment. I'll respond and update.
  7. If you add stats, it will upset the server economy from weeks to months. First thing: All rucksacks will get either massive transfers between players and will cause deflation of the Rucksacks. Then, guilds that dominate this game will be hording them, and when one decides to sell them...Prices will skyrocket to the world of 'Imagination' Therefore bringing economic hardship. I mean...look at what happened to Emp Auras and Imperial Valk helps. 3k Dpons for Blue Emp Aura? Are you kidding? How many players in the server actually have Raw 3k Dpons?? I'd say...+5-10% Movespeed, and keep the stats. Just my 2 Cents :)
  8. Last time I checked, FallenEmpire+GoH is like literally Asura#2 Correct me if I'm wrong. Traps rendered useless by a Swordsman class I think...You walk over em and they automatically get destroyed. Or was that some other class. Good comments people keep it coming.
  9. Have you ever read the articles on iRO Future Wiki? Here is the link if you haven't. http://ro.doddlercon.com/wiki/index.php?title=3rd_Classes As you can see this server is known that Champions and Assassin Crosses do sort of take majority of the population on this server. In addition to the varieties that the ADMINS have added to the server in attempt to rebalance certain classes, it seems as though if third jobs are introduced; more chaos will ensue. In that I mean either skills of certain classes will have to meet nerfhammer DX such as the new Sonic Blow(Cross Impact) and Create New Poison skill for Guillotine Crosses. Though only examples, you have classes that are much changed thanks to the third-jobs and I would like to see what effect they would have on in our server. Eg. Fallen Empire and Gate of Hell Combo-Champion 1hit Kill Death Bound-Makes the Rune Knight being a Suicide Bomber @1500% Reflect to Opponent/750% to self I am not trying to be biased, but this really is the truth. You can refer to how many Assassin Crosses/Champions are made on the server compared to other classes via Control Panel Does anybody want to give their two cents so it will be a mature and educated discussion?
  10. Thanks
  11. Selling Incantation/Phreeoni Card and Angeling Wings Leave your Offers
  12. Clasian

    B. Champ Mace

    Buying a Champion Mace and a White Rune Aura EDit: Bought. Close plz
  13. I'm a gamer; I have many lives :)
  14. Clasian

    WoE 2/14/2009

    those cards do help, but guards are classified as demi-humans. Normal set items that prevent dmg from demi and increase against demi are good enough, but its always good to have the elder card in a main gauche or something.
  15. its a really really really really extremely low chance. I killed about like 200 guys and got 1.
  17. Clasian


    Jump off the train tracks of the closest subway. Go hang urself. Go Emo. Go inject urself with syringes full o that super powerful tranquilizing stuff
  18. With Crayons...and scanning it. if you suck at drawing a stick figure will do. Don't post plagerized pics. Genesis is 17.
  19. Nick Names for Phenomenon. Post to add more! Pheno Pedo Pedophenon Pedophile Phantom Pedophantom Penor Penorz Penis Phen Phree Phenom Phenome Phenomen Phenomeno Bigger, the Funnier.
  20. I call Sean a Chode/Vagina but did he say he had a big Penis? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  21. If thats Genesis, I will sh** my pants. Btw I said Drawn not photoshopped of your dream guy to have ______ _________ with. Anyways so far, no one is winning. @Zero I thought you drew Genesis as Jesus XD
  22. Lol, thats why I edited it. My english must be really bad lol. I read your post right after, edited to conclude my wonders on how the server works. Sorry!
  23. Zomg, thats the best idea ever. And Levis, perhaps you should make your sentences a little more readable, as I had to read it a couple times to understand that you said my english was bad. Edit: I was like: If there are like 80 Vendors, wtf, they'd be like no people on this server. around like 300 people on some thing lolz. Thats starts telling me if Ely and Legendary make up 140 people of the server. Owch.
  24. LMFAO, E-Love.
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