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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by iHunt

  1. iHunt

    Eurovision 2009

    UK sucked as well. Grats on the 5th place, though? The Jury sure will help out the Western Europe. LOL. I wouldn't be so disappointed if AT LEAST Iceland had the 1st.
  2. iHunt

    Eurovision 2009

    Wasn't it just the gayest Eurovision so far? Norway? Really? ... REALLY!?!? 385 POINTS, REALLY!?!?!? Hated their entry and I totally did not expect this ridiculous outcome. 2010 Oslo, eh? Let's see you beat this year's show, bitches. (God this year's "cards" sucked ass.) Favs: Armenia, Albania and Turkey. DISCUSS, IF ANYONE GIVES A FUCK BOUT THIS RETARDED, CORRUPTED, PREDICTABLE "MUSIC COMPETITION".
  3. iHunt


    ... :eh: ...
  4. iHunt

    Euro WoE...

    I quit? Enlighten me... please. The European WoE wasn't decided on 2 years ago. It is fairly new to this server. So I stick by my words and say that polls shouldn't be re-opened for new people. Especially recent polls. "A LOT" of people might've joined, but I still see the SAME people discussing this. Moreover, these exact people were here long before Euro WoE was implemented. And funny thing about it - all of them are from UK. Like you all said already this is European WoE; and it is not UK WoE. Oh and FYI, topics don't get closed unless they reach ridiculous amount of spam a.k.a drama. I think the fact that no GM answered this topic yet (as in, regarding the topic), speaks for itself. And yes, Europeans DID decide the day and the time. Friday won. D.E.A.L.W.I.T.H.I.T. or like Tim Gunn says: "Make it work".
  5. iHunt

    Euro WoE...

    I don't understand, do you people not read? For the love of god, read carefully. Everybody could vote. And we all did. And it's friday. Deal with it. PS. Also, are you saying just because you're new and didn't get to vote, you deserve a vote? No, sir. What if we did that to every new person? My god, we would have everything changed once a week.
  6. iHunt

    Euro WoE...

    PS. This doesn't ruin our plans for tonight... right? Like we planned, you, me and your butt hole. <3
  7. You crack me up, Polina. ;)

  8. iHunt

    Euro WoE...

    But you're not European. So what you're saying is irrelevant. Friday won by European votes. There is no reason what so ever to re-do the votes. You should've made the difference when you had the chance, ktx. I LOL @ people that say they have a "life", but they stay up to 2~3am just so that they can participate in American WoE. Anyway, no.
  9. Rus? Happy bday.

  10. Is that your brother?
  11. I thought the new POP game was "amazing" at first too. But eh. It feels like the game is playing itself. You don't do anything but click on buttons when you have to. The battles are only 1vs1, which is kinda disappointing. You will see the same bosses over and over and over again. However, I do like Elika though. She's like the useful Farah. And the combo system is a nice touch. But I guess if this is your first time playing POP, then yeah, it's going to be awesome as hell. However, I personally think the previous one (Two Thrones) was much, much better.
  12. iHunt

    Herro Prease.

    u jearous? rororor
  14. iHunt

    Draw With Me

    Cry? That's WAY too much. It's sad and all, but crying over it is a no no. And I found the ending kinda gross. The only thing I wondered is how she put that box there. I mean, if she threw it over the wall, it wouldn't land so perfectly, right? Mystery ooO~O~o~O`oGhosts~~~ So yeah, sad video and all, but not cry-worthy. (I liked it though)
  15. ily2
  16. Happy Birthday, ungrateful bitch. <3

  17. Hahaha. Touche! ♥

  18. A for the effort, thank you and come again. <3

  19. iHunt


    Herro prease.
  20. I bet my mama can kick your mama's ass!

  21. не... я вообще не играю.)

  22. iHunt

    Herro Prease.

    Bruebelly hahaha Octobel is the Bleast Cancel Awaleness Month.
  23. iHunt

    Herro Prease.

    It's weild, but this makes you learize how many wolds thele ale without L ol R. ROR.
  24. Kris and Archuletta sUCK. LOL.

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