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Everything posted by Optima

  1. Optima

    S>Thanatos card

    As Thi@go has ask a request for me. May there be no stupid or Joke Offers.
  2. Relax People. Genesis is working really hard on this new patch and will bring the server back really soon.
  3. This is going to be a Spam Thread -Closed-
  4. hieihieihiei - Spamed

  5. Optima


    Good Luck in Real Life Colagua/Thi@go.
  6. Yes, Paypal is the quickest and most reliable way to donate. Thank You For your donation =]
  7. Hey Ami D: i want siggy =]

  8. Im not sure if you could donate via Cheque but are you familiar with Western Union?
  9. Optima


    Welcome to Forsaken-RO. =]
  10. Welcome to Forsaken-RO. Feel Free to PM me if you need help.
  11. Genesis Genoside =D

  12. Please do not bring this up agian!
  13. Welcome to Forsaken-RO, If you have questions please feel free to PM me anytime <3
  14. SinX - - Epic - Terminus - Thi@go LK - - Sard - Adamant - Star Fruit
  15. Top 3 Snipers - [ My Opinion ] 1. L2Aim 2. snipergurl 3. ?
  16. Halo 3 - I can't get enough of this game. i probably will not be bored because i have xbox live.
  17. Nice Guide! This could be very helpful.
  18. Welcome to Forsaken-RO, Were a very friendly Gaming Community & Remember to vote us Every 12 Hours <3
  19. Optima


    To all those who didn't get it, try agian next time and you could be lucky
  20. Optima


    Welcome to F-RO. There are many ways to collect the best gears without needing to donate. So enjoy your stay <3
  21. Welcome to Forsaken - Ro, please feel free to PM me if you have any questions
  22. Optima

    server rates

    try for_fild05 or for_fild06
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