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About micahel90

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    Garbage Hauler

micahel90's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. MVP monsters use thana? haha
  2. tnx for the reply guys. i'll try to call my ISP if they can do something about it. my download speed dropped some speed too.
  3. Is it me or the server having connection problem? I've been lagging since the day before yesterday. Anyone else exeriencing lag? I wanna know.
  4. Right you are brotha! and what if the vendor isn't there anymore? what if he moved coordinates? recording/updating it online or in a spreadsheet is even more time consuming IMO. wouldn't it be better if we could use @whosells command and just @warp to the coordinates? plus we could pick the cheapest and it could make our lives more easier don't you think? :3 btw its not a problem though. i'm just suggesting for better gaming experience.
  5. What do you mean record data? I'm so dumb I can't understand anything you said. Can you instruct me with this? I want to make this happen. :3
  6. instead of downloading the .grf file. it downloads the ilvid installer instead.. can you fix this?
  7. i think fRO should implement this. this is very useful specially buying ingredients or buying starting items like the items being vended at the mall. of course they're using zeny, and should stay that way. because clicking the vends one by one is very time consuming IMHO.
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