Currently we are looking for a new guild`s mate whom an active member and dedicated him/her self to participates in WOE. We also have a friendly environment whom all our member is friendly and will help you when you are in trouble. We also will help you leveling, MVP hunting and participating in any event.
Who we are looking for:
Breaker (our top priority)
Why you must join us:
Nice and Great leadership shown by our guild leader
Friendly environment among guild member
If you have trouble, we will always help you
You can share your experience, oppinion and any story that you like to share with us
Castle drop
Salary when participating in WOE
Must be an active member and loyal
Must use your main character
Must at least have Forsaken King`s Vote Equipment
Must always follow the guild`s rule
Must be a friendly person
You must kept our guild strategy SECRET from any non-guild members
You must be online 20 minutes before WOE You must join WOE at least once a week (if you can`t join on WOE, you must tell us your reason early)
You must be friendly with guild member Any member`s expel will be made if we find that you broke the rule
If you want to join our family, you can contact this ingame char or leave comment here :
Natsume Aya